It’s an achievement in a video game. It’s all small.
What? Who cares? Is this where you throw everything at the wall and hope you can recover the argument? Strange.
His central argument was wrong and I corrected it. It doesn’t make it pedantic just because it’s about a video game and not national nuclear secrets.
Arguing over semantics is being pedantic.
Telling someone they falsely claimed that a specific achievement has been in the game for six years, when it’s only been in the game for two weeks, is not pedantic.
To be fair…
I did most of the achievements back when BFA was still shiny and new.
I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the meta when it was announced, and only just realized it was live in the game a few days ago.
Now, I had MOST of the achievements.
And of the ones I didn’t have? Almost all of THOSE were Horde related.
So if you hadn’t played a Horde alt all the way through the expansion, or actively tried to get certain achievements, it’s entirely possible you never even realized they EXISTED, much less worked towards getting them. I wouldn’t blame anyone who didn’t have certain BFA achievements even six years later because this has been rather poorly communicated and announced, and requires more in-depth knowledge and cross-faction alts than usual.
So… discovering you need a Horde character with Archeology (pretty much a dead profession for several expansions!) and need to wait for a specific world quest tied to a specific faction assault is definitely an obnoxious level of RNG.
Well said my friend well said. This is a value added remark unlike some… Cough < keymah>
All 3 expansion metas in the game have achievements that require specific world quests from rotating world assaults.
For the DF Meta it’s the Primal Storms, for SL it’s the Covenant Maw Assaults and for BfA, it’s the faction assaults.
Expansion metas are supposed to be time consuming and encompassing all aspects of that expansion. World assault achievements are just one of those aspects.
Now that they’ve gone back and added in an expansion meta for BfA, I’m looking forward to seeing one for Legion eventually. There’s World Assaults in Legion too, so be prepared to have to do some of those achievements for that reward as well.
The meta achievement is new. “Vulpera for a day” has always been part of the Voldun assault rotation.
Now “Scavenge like a Vulpera” is truly going to be hard for her.
You need a Horde character for a few of the achievements. If you don’t have one and want the achievements, you can create a new character and level through BfA, getting a lot of the achievements in the process. You might even enjoy it to if you’ve never experienced it. That’s the great part of expansion metas. You get to see new things you haven’t experienced before, especially with BfA.
As for archaeology? When did it become hard to go to a trainer and pick up a profession? You don’t need to level it at all.
At the very least, the powers that come from PvP don’t seem to be required anymore.
I mean, that’s unfortunate, but BfA also had a meta achievement while the expansion was still going, doing both the Horde and Alliance storylines would get you Horde Horse and Alliance Wolf mounts. Doing that would kind of get you through a huge chunk of what the new meta has. Folks who bothered with the old meta were already well on their way to the new meta.
The priest I casually did Alliance content with back then already had nearly everything done, except for the Bumbles/Honeyback Harvester stuff, getting 400 points in the Norwington Derby (which was removed from the meta), and a handful of “collect things” checklists, like having the Drustvar witch hexes active, having all the Stormsong truffle effects active, killing every type of hexed animal, and collecting all the ancient Order of Ember weapons.
Yeah. Luckily, I had a Horde alt who’d done enough of the questing that I’d covered almost everything I needed, and I was able to knock out some more. I’m still short several achievements only because I’d never played that character enough to realize there were some tied to Horde-specific world quests. It’s easy to miss some things, especially when those Horde achieves don’t show up on an Alliance character’s list, AFAIK. I was honestly surprised to see what I’d somehow missed, doing BFA the first time around (and off and on since…) Like learning there was an entire raid I’d ignored. (Shrine of Storms, lol)
Thank goodness. I spent a LOT of time trying to get all the archaeology acheives on my main … and the “Collect 20 pristine of X…” variants broke my spirit back in Pandaria. I burned out trying to make that happen, and only half-heartedly worked on archaeology in subsequent expansions. The real point is just that it’s a dead secondary profession only of any real interest to collectors and achievement hunters, and there’s no real reason to have it on multiple characters. If we had to level it as well, that would be cruel.
There was a pet battle I needed for a family battler achievement that I swear didn’t show up for like a month straight, sometimes I wonder if they should leave things to complete rng. Same with delve stories, the bountiful delve in a zone can be the same story same delve three days in a row. Why let the game limit its own diversity with these things? No one wants to do the same world quest or delve story every day
Reads the definition of pendantic, proceeds to double down on being it.
>2+2 = 5
>>no, it’s 4
>wow, pedantic much
While we’re on the topic of long-wait WQ achievements: Just wanted to give a big thank you to the team of monks that were gathering undead and managing the long line of people coming to complete the “Hand of Fate” achievement last night. Plus a big thank you to everyone who patiently waited their turn in the long line. I really should have taken some screenshots - it was quite the emergent event.
(I think I tried to get that achievement over a hundred times in BFA, but could never quite get the timing/pathing right)
Continues acting like a fool. News at 10
So what exactly is the complaint? Do you want assaults up 24/7?
It’s not worth engaging them. Some people are never happy.
It’s a meta-achievement about accomplishing things that were spread over the entire two-year span of an expansion. If you were able to finish it from scratch in a weekend it wouldn’t be “a reasonable pace”.
How bout we include all the assaults WQ in the continental rotation… 2 vol’dun rotations since meta achievement launched and “vulpera for a day” was not selected as the world quest for the zone. OR Reduce the assault rotation times to every 3-5 hours instead of 19 god damn hours.
its not worth being a troll either but here you are.
It was just collect 20 of X common artifact. Not 20 of X pristine common artifact.