I’m just more interested in an actual census with the industry, really.
The question wasnt why. Everyone knows why it was released. The question was if they were sincere about their efforts.
…and Id say there is about a 50/50 split between “who else would care” and who doesnt.
Yes but your way of thinking eliminates all individuality, every thinks differently and problem solves differently, every human mind is unique, gender, race and creed have no effect on a person way of thinking, education and experience does that, which is why Merit and education/qualifications are the gold star in hiring someone
My point is they arent sincere in the slightest even the change up at the top.
A woman whos background as number cruncher and a long standing dev.
They just split the work load created 2 positions a woman for public face a guy to handle they business.
This is just objectively false.
I lived in Japan for a few years while stationed there with the military. One interesting thing there is that they let their kids play in the car while they drive. It seemed insane to me when you see a 4 year old jumping around in the back seat of a vehicle, but I guess in Okinawa where the speed limit is like 40 mph on their freeway you have less terrible accidents, and thus in their culture they didn’t think about seatbelts the same way. They didn’t grow up being bombarded with public safety announcements or commercials about “buckle up, it’s the law!!!1!” and their way of thinking was thus impacted directly by their culture.
To expound on this, an example of how this could translate to being beneficial to a company is as follows:
Your company manufactures cruise ships, and you are looking to make a new addition to the fleet. This new ship is designed to be a river boat, not for open ocean, and so it is faster and more narrow than your other ships, and navigates much choppier waters. For whatever reason the way the seats are designed prevents people from wearing their seatbelts, but the company is still trying to figure out a way to offer a little bit of safety to their passengers.
You hire the guy from Japan, and he immediately looks at the problem and goes “well back home none of us wear seatbelts anyways if we are in an accident or spin out or whatever we do this thing _____________________________”.
Diversity wins.
look around you. you speak ill of them in their house.
I think there is some merit in what you’re stating.
Also, I’m glad you edited out that last part about intelligence. It was pretty douchy.
EDIT I just re-read your post. You didn’t take out the douchy part. That comment was uncalled for.
I just said, experience and education, in japan these dont think that way because they are japanese, they think that because of the culture around them, their race doesnt matter, if you were raised in japan from an infant you would think that way but you are not japanese
The problem is that it ceases being meritocratic. The contrarians will say otherwise but there’s no point debating them on it. You either hire on merit or you don’t. It’s binary. Word salad doesn’t work on me.
There can be numerous reasons why one branch of the company is more female than male. Likely just due to the product line and what appeals to the sexes being different. More King players are female so it makes sense more females apply for jobs at King.
Lower female hiring in Blizzard could you know be an explanation that Blizzard games like Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft, WoW were always male dominated games. So just a lot fewer women were interested in working there. It’s all organic like this.
So pulling random women into what is otherwise a male environment isn’t just a bad idea it’s a destructive one. Namely because the passions will be different and the product will be different.
You realize that this move is just to “better their image” instead of actually hire people with great ideas and knowledge to improve games right? Also this was done in response to years of problems and only being done AFTER being exposed.
All this does is damage the products as others have stated. “Lets hire diversity” instead of “lets hire qualified and experienced people”. I wouldn’t care if the dev team was made up of 90% women and 10% men if it meant they were ALL great for said dev positions. Forced diversity will ruin blizz games further then they are now.
Imagine a world were they give you a job based upon your skill and what you can bring to a company not giving a crap about your skin color or your gender. Stop it with forced diversity it doesnt help. Give people a job based up there skill stop trying to fix a public image. So sick of the crap in this country where this crap is forced. The woke cancel culture is ruining the world.
You would think so. I tried at my old job to get women to be forklift operators (it’s easier, less work and higher pay) many declined stating it’s a job for a man.
I cant say much about the software industry but at least in my previous work it was almost sectioned off by race… but many brought families in. weekend shift was largely Saudi, Afghani. overnights was Asian
Sure, but it’s easier for companies to just hire a racially diverse group of people and know that they will probably be culturally diverse as well rather than digging into extensive background checks of each individual applicant.
If you wanted to diversely hire people based on their cultural upbringing rather than their ethnicity, you would absolutely be taking advantage of all the benefits of diversity.
This is the most ridiculous notion I’ve ever seen in my life.
Plenty of “non-diverse” teams don’t have “Cosby suites”.
That’s actually both sexist and racist.
Do you think all Asian girls literally think the same way and have the same perspective ?
And yet this one did. And clearly gaming in general has a big problem with diversity(and alot of other issues). And now many of them are actually scrambling to correct that especially as their audiences become a wider spectrum of the world.
The team was diverse though. So I guess in this case, diversity wasn’t good ? Or maybe it just didn’t have anything to do with it.
Individuals are individuals, with their own personal faults and flaws. Nothing to do with skin color.
thank you. stating people only think one way is odd.
No, but I think the probability of two 30 year old Asian girls looking at a problem in the same manner is significantly higher than the probability of a 30 year old Asian girl tackling a problem in the same manner as a 65 year old white man.
Therefore, I would rather have one 30 year old Asian girl and one 65 year old white man as opposed to both of either.
Feel free to disagree /shrug
My logic is sound, and if I owned a company I would have a diverse team for this reason. Don’t get me wrong…you would still have to be good at your job, like obviously that’s still the most important thing in terms of who I would hire, but if I had 2 equal or almost equal candidates I would lean towards the diversity hire.
ANNNND they don’t care. They will gladly preside over a train wreck.
Have you ever worked with people ?
At all ?
Like I can’t even get 2 people, any people, to agree to the same solution to a problem at work as is. Diversity has nothing to do with that. The fact people have different experience and knowledge and talents leads to that. Not skin color or nationality.
Your logic is disconnected from what actually occurs in a work setting.