That’s great and all, but it also means that they will be forced to hire based on race and gender rather than talent.
Gender yes, race… You have US styled race quotas in places like South Africa and Brazil (i.e. not countries you’d want as models), not in Europe.
And it’s a breath of fresh air to be away from US race demagoguery
besides the book nothing you listed as anything to do with the product. Not that im condoning that behavior
It is really sad and a sign of the times that you felt you needed to add this part. One would assume that the desire to hire the best person for the job would be entirely logical, and that passing over a better qualified candidate for a ratio number is an overall bad thing.
And I’m not just saying “passing over a white male”. Sometimes a person of colour gets passed over in favour of boosting female representation, and vice versa. The diversity ratios affects everyone, not just white males. People would do well to remember that. Being in a minority means jack squat to these corporations if you happen to be in a minority that they are not currently looking for.
I would says the other complains I listed are now affecting the game as well. Because of all those awful things, it plunged moral/caused people to strike/not do any work.
I just dont want to be next on the hit list.
personally i dont think diversity targets are a good idea, what id rather see is no active or passive racism or discrimination and improved access to education and health for all people.
murica is gonna consume itself with this and other countries just wont want to deal with them.
There’s a lot of reaching with the book controversy.
EDIT: IMO … if anyone feels otherwise, thats fine too!
Well, I don’t care who gets hired, as long as they make WoW interesting.
stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes
Forced diversity is never good. Just hire the people who will make this game better.
It’s long been proven that diversity is a benefit to any company. If you hire only old white males or only Asian girls in their 30s you will only have 1 perspective, only 1 way of thinking about problem solving, and ultimately you will be a less effective organization than one with diverse hires.
So, from a purely capitalistic sense, it would make sense to hire someone that is maybe slightly less qualified because they are more diverse.
I get that it’s annoying that some companies probably don’t actually care about getting a different point of view in their board meetings and are just doing it for the sake of good P.R. and it can seem disingenuous and sleazy, but hiring someone just because they are diverse can be justified under capitalism.
Is the game going to be better?
Will systems go away?
Will chores go away?
Will classes be balanced and fun to play?
Will solo content be more fun and engaging?
Will group content be more fun and engaging?
Will raid content be more fun and engaging?
Will pvp content be more fun and engaging?
It’s not about hiring other genders for more diversity is it?
It’s about treating the current ones, that are already hired, as equals! Cause there lies the biggest problem.
Am I wrong and or miss something?
I’ve never been a fan of tokenism.
I have 20 - 25 people in my circle that all have the same background (same gender, age, race, hometown, economic background) and we all seem to be very diverse in how we handle our politics, ourbusiness ,our lives and our affairs.
I would hate to think we are all stereotyped into being the same person based on our common background.
No, under pure captialism you would be hiring only on merit and qualifications, race, creed, and gender wouldnt matter, all that matters would getting the very best person for the job, thats they way the world should, you get jobs only on your merits and qualifications
I work with a lot of guys that have relocated from other countries and the ones from South American and Asian countries are baffled with our apparent obsession with it.
Proportionally speaking, how many women are actually interested in games relative to men? I may have to google a few studies later today. That would inherently contribute to the lack of ‘diversity’ if its a big difference.
As a person who exists in the real world, and has worked along side real live women for years and years… I can tell you that women do this stuff too. I don’t know why this conversation is so incredibly one sided.
This is exactly how I feel. The best person for the job should get it, and often times that is a woman. Some of the most incredible bosses I’ve had have been women, but they weren’t handed the things they got because they were women, they earned it just like everyone else.
No, it won’t.
If diversity is what Blizzard hires for, then that’s the only thing they can be sure they’ll get. There’s a reason that old WC and WoW were so incredible, and it was passion in the projects. Hire for passion, don’t hire for skin color or gender… I can’t believe that has to be said, but we live in a backwards world.
Legally they are protected and are equals, but this isn’t about treating anyone as an equal. This entire thing is about damage control from a company that temporarily went into freefall over the backlash associated with allegations and claims at that time.
You aren’t the same person, but you aren’t diverse.
If you all come from the same hometown, same gender, race, etc. then you probably also all have similar educations, and were all taught to solve problems in the same manner.
Something as easy as “oh we do this differently where I’m from” can completely revolutionize a company and cut costs while increasing efficiency.
This isn’t like…a knock on white people or anything. If you have a company in India and everyone working there is Indian…it would probably benefit your company to hire some white people, some black people, and some Asian people.