The three items on the table have not changed in three days. At this rate the achievement cannot be completed as designed.
I am also encountering this issue. This is now the fourth day in a row I’ve seen Cinna-Cinderbloom Tea, Lemon Silverleaf Tea and Aruunem Berrytart. The odds of getting the same 3 items out of 20 4 days in a row is astronomically low.
Same issue on khaz’garoth
I may have found a cause but I won’t know until tomorrow … I had the same three items for the fifth day in a row (Cinna, Lemon and Aruunem). I however noticed today I had inadvertently picked up a quest a while ago that awards one of these exact three items. So I dropped the quest and hope tomorrow it will actually change. The quest in question is Warm Away These Shivers
Thanks for a possible fix, but sadly that won’t work for me since I’ve already completed that some time ago.
P.S. quest is still broken
Didn’t fix it … 6 days in a row same items. Clearly broken.
Yes, still broken
I’ve had the same items for roughly a week now.
Logged onto an alt just now and noticed the food was completely different! Went back to my main but nope, still stuck with Lemon Silverleaf, Cinna-Cinderbloom and Aruunem Berrytart.
If only progress counted across characters.
I decided to complete the quest I linked earlier. Today the items finally changed … so either they fixed it in a hotfix last night or that quest was bugging it out and completing the quest allows it to randomize again.
Yep, this has stayed Lemon Silverleaf, Cinna-Cinderbloom and Aruunem Berrytart for me for the past three weeks. Guess this one’s completely bugged.
Having the same issue
Quoting back to Elevenn;
Having completed this quest, my items finally changed.
(It was however only after reset that I checked so I’m half-n-half to say it’s this quest you need to complete.)
Given it rewards the same items on the table, I’d definitely recommend checking if you’ve done the quest if your feast isn’t changing.
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(67047))
This quest is complete for me and I’ve gone through at least one weekly reset, and I’m still stuck on the same 3 items (have been for at least two resets, but I don’t know when I completed the quest), but my 3 stuck items are Venrik’s Goat Milk/Captain’s Caramelized Catfish/Mantis Shrimp Cocktail, so I really don’t know…
Bugged for me as well with the same Cinna-Cinderbloom combo. I have no Ruby Feast quests in my log to complete, none are being offered by NPC’s or flyers around the city. The Steward also has nothing to sell me. I’m assuming that this is super bugged and that I will never get this achievement completed.
Still bugged for me its been over a month now that its been broken.
I was bugged for months too. Found out I had not completed questline starting with her. Once I completed it was able to finish a quest I did not know I had with Chef Morsel, which was to turn in 12 leaves you do as part of the quest chain linked above. I will find out tomorrow if the quest chef switches.
’ve completed the Great Gourmand achivement, I’ve did all the quests. But now the vendor only sell 1 food, the Picante Pomfruit Cake, I can’t buy any of the other cosmetic foods. And it’s been like this for over a week since the day I’ve completed the quests and the achievement.
Still bugged. This does not rotate on multiple toons of mine.
Mine is now stuck with a different set of foods, persisting beyond reset.
I’ve since put in a ticket, now to wait for them to direct me to Wowhead after skim reading it I suppose.
I’m not being offered 2 of the foods at all, so far the ticket/help haven’t helped with resolving the issue, but Roquefort-Stuffed Peppers and Moira’s Choice Espresso don’t appear in my food rotation (currently on my 4th time through all my choices), I’ve finished the quest chain to get the recipe for the Draconic Hoard of Delicacies. Gone through all the scripts to check quest progress list on wowhead ( they all returned true. It appears bugged with no resolution.