Graveyard Camping in AV Nerfed?

I see the problem here. You’re not reading what I’m saying.

There is NOTHING wrong with graveyard camping. This patch has nothing to do with graveyard camping.

This has to do with CAVE camping. I have no problem with graveyard camping, because there is still an option to respawn and fight back, even if said fight is hopeless.

And no, by that logic I’m NOT saying that being killed is ruining their experience. I have NEVER said that killing is wrong, it’s PvP, are you dense for suggesting that?

What IS ruining their experience is blocking them from doing anything in a battleground, making it so it’s impossible to even fight back, and making it so that their only out is to /afk. That’s the problem here, not just being killed.

Graveyard camping IS a valid strategy to prevent players from getting back into battle. It’s NOT a valid strategy if all you’re doing is farming, because at that point, if you’re not trying to win the battleground, it’s no longer a battle.

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to be honest i have np to get kill in the graveyard , blizzard just make any sense here
is over 15 year player do this but let Drek’Thar and the warmaster abuse and exploit all day long , just show blizzard are out of touch with the graveyard , this is my opinion thank you , anyway is so hard to report player the time you get kill because after your body get loot and everything disappear and lost the target to report :frowning: blizzard 101 out of touch

This is not a good solution to the “problem” if it is indeed a problem worthy of a blanket hotfix.

I never saw this cave camping activity in any of the games I’ve played in the last few weeks. So, my anecdotal experience tells me that this “problem” did not happen very often. I think the main issue is that (in the handful of cases where it actually happened) the “griefing” side was not finishing the game and essentially trapping the opposing faction in the cave and farming them.

I think Blizzard could have come up with a better solution, but this approach seems like they didn’t put much thought or consideration into it.

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Good luck trying to prove which is which.

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Blizzard is just coddling crybabies who never played AV during Vanilla and who are finding the experience too difficult to bear. And here’s me thinking all the retail tourists had gone already…

Easy to prove.

  1. Is the faction camping the cave also trying to kill Drek/Van?

Yes: It’s not griefing. The battle will be over in 5-10 min, players on the losing wide will get their mark and be able to re-queue immediately.

No: It’s griefing. Only option is to /afk, and be blocked from re-queuing.

Pretty simple.

Right? camping them at the cave and breaking their will for that game and potentially future games seems like a valid strat for a BG.

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Actually, it’s a pretty lousy strategy.

Alliance: Chances of alliance running into the same horde players is low. Doesn’t really do much other than make them more persistent anyways, you’re kidding yourself if you think it’s breaking their will.

Horde: Reducing the number of people that want to PvP. Enjoy longer queues

Well it has been for the last 15 years, but we’re now in the “unhistory” stage of WoW, where actions that were perfectly legit for the last 15 years have suddenly become actions that “always were griefing.”


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clearly from the change, and the forum posts, i do not think it made them more resilient my friend.

Clearly they did not enjoy being camped so hard for 4 hours otherwise i highly doubt the change would have gone through nor would we be hearing as much about it.

YOU are kidding yourself my friend.

You miss the whole point of a BG. There are (or should be) no safe places. You freely entered the battleground hoping to trounce the enemy. Instead you got beat . . . . and in this case totally humiliated. The opportunity comes with risk. If you lose so badly that you are cave camped, then you should lose some opportunity to just requeue for the next one. Why is that wrong? No real harm is done - you just lose 15 minutes. If you aren’t willing to make a wager and throw the dice, you shouldn’t go into the BG at all.

Furthermore all anyone had to do was ghost walk away from the rez spirit - opponent would quickly bore with the game and end it.


Anyone who allowed themselves to be camped for 4 hours - or longer than maybe 4 minutes - is beyond help. The game should absolutely not try to make sure that they don’t hurt themselves again.

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Fun watching a rank 11+ premade GY camp my last game. This fix doesn’t change anything.

Alliance whining about pvp happening in a battleground…no surprise there. Keep on rushing drek and glitching his generals. Until they fix that clear exploit I have no sympathy for “horde is camping me in gy”

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I didn’t realize pvp wasn’t part of a BG- funny, considering Horde also are complaining about AV not having enough pvp, but when it does you cry hard enough that Blizzard rushes to your rescue to stop it.

Guess we know Horde never wanted fair numbers pvp to begin with- not that it was ever in question.

Truer words were never spoken.

If you enter a BG you’re going to be killed repeatedly. If you aren’t smart enough to figure out how NOT to get camped you should be playing Putt Putt Goes to the Zoo, and not World of Warcraft. There are no and should be no “safe spaces” in BGs. FFS


I’m sorry, this is nonsense.

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the video is literally horde getting camped in their cave…

you, i like you. you have very reasonable takes

Any plan to fix the warmaster glitch? Their leash shouldn’t be so far that they actually respawn rather than run back…

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