The notes show it’s only in the starting caves…
Honest opinions aren’t what define rules. And I’m sorry, but ensuring that someone can play the game they paid for isn’t a “safe space”, it’s good business.
Understand, there’s a difference between tough pvp and “unplayable”. There’s nothing wrong with graveyard camping, or even cave camping, if the team does it as a means to win. That way, the side being camped can get their consolation mark and bonus honor, doesn’t get a deserter debuff, and can queue back up.
If they’re forced to AFK out, they can’t do that, ie, the game is unplayable. If people can’t play AV, and that’s what makes them pay their subscription, anything that prevents them from playing it is a potential loss of business. Blizz has to make sure that their game is playable. The 4 hour cave camp makes the game unplayable, simple as that.
but its been proven by numerous videos you guys CAN get there faster. you just choose not to
You ever seen the seen in the Dark Knight where the Joker burns the pile of money?
That is why they did what they did, not for honor. Blizz went and nerfed honor cause they think that was the cause, when in reality it had absolutely 0 to do with it and they are out of touch for thinking it (kinda like the mobsters, in the aforementioned movie)
WoW never was about “but its war” mentality for pvp when it comes to all this griefy nonsense a lot of you take pride for.
This thread sounds like the hundreds of other p2 threads whenever alliance quit over server densities (ie, being overrun in open wpvp and griefed beyond measure)
This is not pubg, starring the Horde. Developers are not wimps. Whatever generation you want to make fun of, exposes your own.
Its just a game, meant to provide enjoyment, not division, and this forum community will end up driving more people to pve servers, retail, or away from a 15yo game.
Luckily a large pool of the playerbase can respect rules, and developers, and seem unphased by the same mechanics and design that trigger you.
TLDR. Stop whining about AV already and quit. It will be a win-win for you and the rest if the community.
Nah, I love this game, It’s just AV that sucks.
Maybe if your end game is everybody quit, you’re the one who should quit.
I will continue to fight for a good version of classic, cause this is the game I wanna play. Even if this garbage AV isn’t, it’s temporary and eventually I will never have to come back.
You are a reasonable, no-nonsense Orc.
Question, if you dont mind:
How many AV whine threads do you think it will take for Blizzard to make a single change to AV that said whine threads suggest?
Don’t know, don’t care.
We didn’t get classic cause of people telling us not to express what we wanted. In fact community feedback had a noticeable effect on things like the Phase time line.
My AV issue is temporary, but I don’t want this experience for anyone else either, since this isn’t at all what the game classic was modeled after was like at all.
The Population of Earthfury, in and of itself, is irrelevant. Its cross-server BGs.
Since more Horde like PVP, more horde Q for PVP. And thus the Q time. But I will ask again, WHY do more players who like PVP go horde? if there was no advantage then more would be alliance.
I am not going to sit in a BG for 30 minutes to get zero honor and 100 rep. Not worth my time. I will 100% AFK out, go take a shower, read a book, go to the gym, clean my laundry, etc, all those things I hear horde do while waiting for a Q. While the purists in me says AV is fun, I think it is especially 1.5, I am not naive enough to think that people are there for Honor and Rep. No honor, No Rep means waste of time.
An hour of my or even 30 minutes for 100 rep and 400 honor is a waste of time. I can get over 3500 honor is WSG and thats with horde winning some of the games as well. 50-59 PVP is pretty balances with each side winning and losing.
Classic probably disappointed everybody’s expectations in one aspect or another. I was very excited for wpvp, and then they blew the lid off server caps, for example.
Is it fair to say that PvP servers seem the most irrate since p2?
Is #nochanges a meme-message to us that, aside from small adjustments, that the developers dont plan on taking community suggestions to make large scale changes to Classic? (Unless they lied in their many interviews)
If the answer is yes to both, then I dont see where complaining about pvp or AV, or anything about Classic, is anything more than noise.
I should know: I was in the minority right after they removed layers, and once I saw the density that day we had before honor release, I was messaging who I could to bring them back. Two weeks later, Classic, in my mind, took a terrible turn overall and we know for sure, caused a huuuge chunk of pvp players to quit.
If Classic couldnt tweak a server cap, something they suggested they could do, would do, and did (far too late), to alleviate server density, well: they arent going to change anything mechanical, ever.
How are they different? All players in BGs are flagged and are fair PvP game.
you promised blizzard, no changes
A serious question? When I first started playing Vanilla WoW, it was my first online game ever. I knew nothing about it. I read the blurbs about each race and each class and chose accordingly. One thing I recognized immediately - alliance had all the cutesie human type characters and I DID NOT want to be one of those. Alliance had gnomes . . . that was another reason to NEVER roll an alliance character.
My original reasons still hold true today. Has nothing to do with racials.
Already told you how they’re different, I’ll tell you again.
Open world PvP: If you’re getting graveyard camped, you have the following options to keep playing open world PvP.
- Call for reinforcements via world defense/guild/etc.
- Corpsewalk to a different graveyard
- Switch to an alt in a different part of the open world.
Battleground PvP.
- Can’t do this, because DUH, 40vs 40.
- Can’t do this if opposing side has capped every single graveyard.
- /afk means a deserter debuff, meaning on top of the 30+ min queue time, horde players are blocked from playing AV for almost an hour. Switching to an alt also isn’t viable, because AV is a 50+ only, and even if you do have a 50+ alt, honor gained on this alt doesn’t apply to your main.
It’s different, even if everyone is flagged the same. In the open world, there is a PvP solution to the issue, in battlegrounds, there isn’t, because of the fact that everyon respawns in a staggered rate, so you’re never going to have a complete 40vs40 fightback. You’re right, people can’t complain about being ganked, farmed, whatnot. Cave camping isn’t a problem if 5-10 min later, the game ends, people still get their mark and whatever bonus honor they managed to get. A 4 hour cave camp however forces people to /afk out and prevents them from playing a part of the game they paid for, and that’s against blizzard’s interests to enable.
It’s. Just. PvP.
Barring something that has gone on for 15 years in BGs is asinine.
And given the many defects in the Classic release of AV this is literally the very least of anyone’s problems.
It hasn’t gone on for the past 15 years. Retail AV has a timer on it, so even if a cave camp happens, the game eventually ends. And as I’ve stated before:
It’s. NOT. just. PvP.
It’s griefing. It’s denying players an aspect of the game. It fits the entire definition of griefing, that is ruining another player’s experience even when you have nothing to gain from it. Even if you don’t think it is, blizzard has spoken, and evidence in the past has shown, one thing they don’t want is making the game unplayable.
Now, I agree, there are other more pressing problems that should have been given attention to. But I absolutely will not condone the argument that people should be allowed to grief, just because it’s a battleground.
You must be new to the game.
I’ve played since the BGs were first patched in. GY camping goes on all the time and has done over the years. Of course back in those days people didn’t cry about it. And since there are several gys throughout AV they all got camped at various times throughout the meet.
The AV gy that got camped the most was the one right before the bridge. People would stand on the hill behind it and rain down havoc.
It’s all just good clean fun. Maybe people need to grow tougher skins.
By this logic, people can also claim that being killed in BGs is “ruining their experience.”
I don’t know where you get the idea that “there’s nothing to gain” by gy camping. I beg to differ. It’s a strategy and prevents opposing players from getting back into battle.
do you mean this ???
i have np with the graveyard raise but go fix minion to be kite from usa to russia this just make any sense complaining about the graveyard and let Drek’Thar and is minion abuse and exploit all day long . guy you make any sense
they can also argue that what alot of players (both factions) faced during P2 was ruining their experience. This guys on a slippery slope.
Agree with you 100%. Was level 35 when OG honor realeased. I remember GY camping since the inception of BGs. The strat ends up being “stop rezzing so they have to win.”
Its pretty laughable that killing someone in a BG THEY signed up for to PVP is considered griefing.
Right gy but I would stand at the top of the hill behind the gy and blizzard or rof. LOL