Graveyard Camping in AV Nerfed?

It’s not your game. It never was. It never will be.

I cant use the word pity but despite the amount of crap I get for it in game I do the same thing.

Corrected, ty.

And that’s our fault? You’re the ones who are allowing Alliance players to blatantly cheat and premade into a battleground where it is not allowed.

THEY are the ones leaving Alliance streaming into already in progress games they left empty.

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Clearly, Blizzard saw something wrong with alliance (or horde if it ever happened) sitting in the starting cave after owing the entire map. Just like they changed the WSG queue thing, they changed this. Who wants to sit in a queue for 30 minutes only to have to AFK out and not even play the game? Would you want to do that?

I played and pvped in both Classic and Vanilla wow a lot. In Vanilla I ganked A LOT and therefore got camped a lot. My Classic server is alliance favored and thus Searing Gorge/BRM were alliance owned during phase 2. We even had guild members quit over dying so many times in world PVP. Yet, there has never been a time where I have not been able to get out of being camped. I have ALWAYS been able to get out of getting camped in the world, with my hunter as well.

This AV graveyard camping situation, however, requires an AFK and a waste of 45+ minutes. It’s that simple, and Blizzard didn’t like it so they changed it.

They also did make changes to the way queues worked in Vanilla just like Pained said. In addition, other changes were made back then that were PVP related such as no rooftop camping, I still have a screenshot of that one from 2005.

Horde also doesn’t suck as a whole because your premade of PVP centric, very geared players, that are sitting in discord, can stomp them. Get over yourself.

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Because Rath Strat AVs didn’t camp the alliance cave entrance for four hours.

[Editing mine, for clarity.]

Ask, and ye shall receive:

This bunch of devs is another generation from the original devs. These are people who think disagreeing with them is “hate” and words “hurt as bad as a bullet” so it’s no surprise whatsoever that they would regard normal PvP play which has since time began, included graveyard camping, as “griefing.”

Note the claim that “had this occurred” in Vanilla (it did, ALL the time) it would have been regarded as a “problem” (it in fact was not so regarded (see above).

Some people are just too delicate for this world.


Of all the issues with AV they picked the one that seems to be the rarest of all. Now I admit this is my anecdotal evidence of running into premades and never having this happened.
Yeah this seems to be an example and others of an actual Alliance premade. Even when my Horde teams are dominating we don’t camp Alliance cave, too much effort.
Can’t believe this is what was addressed.


These rules apply to PvP servers. AV is not a pvp server, it is cross server, and is also a battleground, so different rules apply.

There is a history, even back in vanilla, of them preventing situations like cave camping. At one point the graveyard flags were much closer to the spawn points, so it was possible to be guarding the flag while spawn camping at the same time. They changed that. Now, in this case, they didn’t touch actual graveyard camping in AV. They just prevented any benefit from a 4 hour stall of the game, where all one side did was prevent the other from playing the game at all; Forcing someone to /afk and be blocked from playing a BG at all for almost an hour is not a legitimate PvP tactic. In an open world PvP server, someone has an option of ghostwalking to another graveyard, taking the spirit res, so full on camping is permitted there. You can’t do that in AV if every single graveyard is camped.

Now granted. There’s nothing that’s preventing a team from doing a 4 hour cave camp again. They’re just not going to receive any kind of reward from it, so hey, you can technically still be a jerk about the game towards others. But I think they’re sending a warning here, as others have mentioned. This is the “knock it off” before they get heavy handed, as has been the case with other griefing actions such as roof shotting.


IMHO PvP server or not, BG is fair game for any and all of these antics.

However, I do understand your point and hope that this is just a “stern warning” and not a sign of “safe spaces” coming to BGs.

There are worse problems in AV than this. FAR worse.


Who wants to sit in a queue for 30 minutes only to have to AFK out and not even play the game? Would you want to do that?

Who wants to get in a game and have it turtle forever because of your overpopulation and Q times?

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Ok, Bluestreak you should know that horde are not overpopulated on Earthfury.

Yes, overall between all servers more horde like PVP.

Do you want to AFK even with an instant queue because someone is camping your cave when there are NO objectives left?

I’ve never been in a game that lasted longer than about an hour and most are 20-30 minutes if they aren’t the 8-minute rush.

I’ve asked for this many times over the years. In fact, I think the starting position should rotate or be random. That’s the most fair.

So you have your single Alliance. Although I’ve seen many people also ask for it.

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I see it happen quite a bit, Horde camping the Alliance tunnel.

It’s like Jeff from overwatch got roasted in AV and made a call to someone to make a change. :joy::joy::joy:

They didn’t because that’s how pvp servers work. Battlegrounds are not the same as pvp servers.

I sometimes take a break from chopping down trees with an axe to upset wimps like you.

Been out for a few days, but we do this to be heard. Trust me, I’ve been smited a few times, but let’s not give up. I’m happy to see more responses from them. This is a start.

week 1 of AV before premades really got started would like to have a word with you