Gratz to Asmongold over 400k viewers

Can’t be done anymore.

If I get the chance, I assure you I’ll find a way.

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There’s a covid channel? What the heck am I doing here?

It’s not just the neck beard, its all streamers I don’t understand. I would rather play the games, that’s entertaining. Watching someone else play a video game is /sleep…

and so? just showing off your yellow writing or did you have a point.

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PSA for anyone wanting to get people instantly triggered, mention Asmongold or FFXIV in the title of your thread.


Does he have bottom fans too?

It’s actually impressive that he has reached the level he has. I remember when he was small time youtuber who made niche guides for WoW.


It’s not the streamers themselves. It’s the fools that follow them.


I follow one streamer. That streamer has 713k followers on YouTube, 162k on Instagram, and a tiny 3 million followers on TikTok.

what ?

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Clowns throw that word around so much now that it has lost almost all it’s meaning and impact.

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now let’s see if he can brush his teeth and take a shower every day.

guide to keeping asmongold fans away:


i like him and watch his streams/vids pretty often but he can be irritating at times lol.

When he argues a point, it comes off as if he’s trying to use as many big words as possible as fast as possible to try to confuse anyone listen that has the opposite opinion of something. It’s also kinda annoying (sometimes hilarious) when he starts ranting like some dorm-room philosopher and some people in chat think he just said the most profound thing they’ve heard in their entire life.

He’s not a dumb guy at all and although he bugs me sometimes, instead of hating the guy, I just turn off the stream and come back later when he’s not heated about a store mount or something lol

Never understood why you kids watch him, or people like him. They’re the worst parts of the community that the game has to offer and feed off the toxicity.

oh well, I’ve seen what’s considered “entertainment” on tiktok, the bar is dirt low.


whether we like it or not, he is the most popular WoW streamer and genuinely wants the game to succeed. Although i don’t always agree with his ideas, he at least shines a light on player discourse about aspects of the game


Huge accomplishment for any streamer, so crazy to think 400,000 people sitting at there computer watching him


Having a shower and cleaning, taking care of yourself, not sleeping, emtional breakdowns etc is all linked to depression, your joke falls flat and makes you seem like you are either a bully or just ignorant about the impact of bad depression.


you know what also improves mental health? working out, having good hygeine and taking care of yourself and your body. funny how people who mention that bad hygeine is a sign of depression fail to mention that.

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