evrey single Horde that is advocating for merc mode is a very selfish player and is not thinking about the game overall, merc will only make more people leave the Alliance and make it worse for us, why would pvpers stay Alliance and lose most matches if they can go to the dominant team , go merc mode and get instant queues, this is total bullshat.
GLADLY just let me pay to swap
They didn’t expect perfect balance, THAT’S WHY THEY CREATED BATTLEGROUPS. They took imbalanced groups of players and rebalanced them for PVP queues. 100% now I know you didn’t play until after wotlk.
Hey I get that you’re upset! I was too when I had to play the minority faction at the start of honor going live in P2. It really sucks to have the game you enjoy playing not quite live up to your expectations.
I survived, I still enjoy the game thoroughly, I got over it. You will to. So will a lot of other people.
If half the population of horde moved to retail queue times would probably be quite balanced.
At any rate, people quitting TBC is inevitable - whether you may be experienced in this expansion or not I do not know, but this happened in original TBC in the raiding community. We saw massive fallout as people got bored trying to prog SSC/TK waiting for Black Temple to drop.
Back then it took people who no lifed the game about 3 weeks to hit level 70 and months to clear Karazhan/Gruul/Magtheridon.
There really is not a lot to do in TBC after the initial bulk of the launch content, which is being consumed much faster than it was in TBC - where raiding is the meta of the game now.
I suspect the same fallout is going to happen that my original raiding guild saw, but at a faster and much larger rate.
Blizzard should not touch a single thing in terms of mercenary mode or faction transfers until the majority of the playerbase has consumed the content and settled down.
Not that I disagree with the first suggestion, but wouldn’t merc mode do the opposite? If Alliance are constantly losing, then Horde players that go Merc Mode would still be on losing teams. Because they would be queued alongside the Alliance and play on their team. And that would put them on the losing team… the logic doesn’t track.
And this game was made to accommodate more people than just yourself. Do you also see my avatar? I’m a level 70 Blood Elf Paladin. I am Horde. If anything I’m above some 63 undead priest. I suffer the queue times also, but I accept I got these because I chose to play Horde. I understand the choice I have would have consequences. Not stop being petulant child. You can reroll to fix your own created problem. I have no sympathy for your kind.
i can understand not wanting merc mode
but paid faction change?
No one cares that you have some trauma to spread. You’re a terrible person for trying to punish others for your own past experience. Stop using this dumb argument to justify bad game design.
Says the guy who demands a company bends over backwards for his own awful decisions.
They don’t want a solution. They just want to troll other people because they are bitter, or because they personally gain from the current system. And they are too cowardly to admit it.
Merc mode would remove the largest benefit to the minority faction in the game.
It would not result in people like dropping their alliance characters and rolling horde - but it would remove any incentive for new players to choose alliance.
The eventual outcome would be a lack of new players to pool from as old players experience burn out and a bolstering of the majority factions playerbase as new players choose the faction that has all of the benefits but none of the drawbacks.
youre really adamant about people facing consequences IN A VIDEO GAME.
I’m level 70 idiot. The armory system on the forums is bugged. You can clearly see my Frozen Shadoweave shoulders though on my portrait.
I’m adamant about you being an adult. Yes it’s a video game, but you are a grown human being throwing tantrums that make toddlers look more mature in comparison.
I am not traumatized and I am not trying to punish anyone, I want everyone to enjoy this game while preserving the integrity of what differentiates Classic from Retail. Stop projecting all of the negativity you have around your disappointment with the game and rude players trolling the forums onto me.
wow… you and your nerd pride
Yes. Picking one of the two factions the GAME OFFERS YOU is a bad decision. I think your only two brain cells are currently fighting for superiority.
If nerd pride means being a responsible, rational adult then yup. I’m a nerd.
Its no different then your curret investment in TBC is the point.
Its like 3 weeks in my guy.
My Priest was more than 3 weeks in, it was over 3 months in…
My investment was higher than your current investment and i survived.
You would be rerolling 3 weeks into PHASE 1, i rerolled 1 month away from PHASE 3.
when it comes to making decisions in a video game?
video games aren’t life man.