Grats fellow Vulperans, number 1 AR and 8th most played race!

i will only ever keep those I think i will use those.
If I dont I will release it since its bad form to hold a name for 10 years just incase.

Eff it just consolidate Pandarians and give them to Alliance. They should have kept to the idea of giving the opposite faction the allied race. For example if you liked Tauren and wanted to role alliance you could role a high mountain Tauren with ally. I donā€™t know, the only way out now would to be carefully create 3 factions.

Mechognome could be a developerā€™s wet dream considering many wanted Sethā€™rak to be a Alliance allied race.

Itā€™s still pretty accurate for what we see at live servers: 100 blood elves for every goblin.

I suppose we can appreciate the diversity on the Horde. Just gotta exclude the Blood elves and boom diversity!

Ever since Blizz broke the api realmpop used to measure populations, population estimates have been barely better than just random guesses. Like, theres absolutely no way less than 5000 people play draenei for example. Even if there were less than 1 million players thereā€™d be more draenei than that.

Sampling is a term used in statistics . It is the process of choosing a representative sample from a target population and collecting data from that sample in order to understand something about the population as a whole.

i.e. inside that sample size (159492) draenei represent 3%. Which would mean inside a 1 million population, theyā€™d be 30747,62, or 30748 rounding it up, while us vulpera would be 38998.82 or 4%.
Kinda like how they sample voting before an election.

Sunken temple, once I roll a new Allied race character I can get there in less than 2 hours. once they hit 120, if they get over 3% than let me know. Me personally, I have a level 50 Fire Mage Vulpera. I have all the Allied Races, and even a few at 110 to unlock the mogs. But only Void Elf is at max. Because I actually play this character. Unlike my other Allied race alts.

Iā€™ll make sure to make ten more just to tick you off.

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Bottom 5 are Alliance


Where are the thousands of people who swore they were going to play Mechangomes? :laughing::ok_hand:

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The Horde is now officially the Foxy faction!

Indeed, it seems too early to claim that vulpers are the most appreciated / loved allied race in the game compared to others.

I doubt that we will surpass races with elfic themes but we will certainly be the 4th or fifth most used by players.

But we all knew that vulperas were something that would please Greeks and Trojans. :fox_face:

the more vulpera there are, the more i get to pet

with this flamethrower

I was disappointed thereā€™s not a tailless option so that with enough mogging i could at least pretend I was playing a goblin. No dice. Got that lame loser tail flopping around as I run.

My plan is to unlock the heritage armour Iā€™ll never use and insta-delete. Itā€™s just a completion-ist thing. I force myself the play talent row to talent row before going to work on something else for a bit.

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Man, why are you being like this? You just buzzsaw some other guy about people wanting a celebratory feeling about their vulp choice and then you post something nasty about mechagnomes with your next keystroke.

They may not be what I would have imagined but Iā€™m not going to trash them. Thatā€™s just meanā€¦ and rude.

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Its mean and rude to point out that Blizzard blatantly shafted the alliance? I am not being rude to anyone. I am criticizing The fact that Blizzard didnā€™t even try to make the Alliance happy with their last choice of AR. Even as a Horde player that pisses me off.

Strike 1: They are gnomes ( super low pop core race )
Strike 2: They are trash gnomes ( a term given to those gnomes by the Alliance themselves )
Strike 3: No one wanted them ( This is just a fact and a core reason why a LARGE population of Alliance and even Horde players are mad )

Iā€™m glad that some people are happy with this race and I am not going to tell those people they should feel bad for playing that race but Blizzard had the golden opportunity to make a lot more people happy and it seemed like they didnā€™t even care. Look at those three strikes, as a game designer something should have clicked before hand. You cant say these things out loud and figure everything is going to work out. They were flat out lazy and thatā€™s not ok.

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They are food.

There are a number of people in my altā€™s alliance guild that are really happy with their mechagnomes. I am tired of seeing people mock and bash them and call them names for something theyā€™re happy with. Do you like it when people do that to the vulpera players? Well turn it around. Theyā€™re good people and they donā€™t deserve to be called trash gnomes.

That said, I donā€™t disagree that that this dev team was flat out lazy with a large number of issues related to the patch.


More proof that the game is slowly flushing down the toilet. People happy over playing gross looking ratsā€¦think about itā€¦itā€™s rather pathetic. And I agree with many others, the server populations are abysmal, yet no one seems to care

Okay, Belf. Itā€™s time to step off of the plastic high horse.

also, nice necro.

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