Grats fellow Vulperans, number 1 AR and 8th most played race!


i knew void elves would be up there

21936 Horde, in total.

10389 Alliance, in total.

No disparity at all. Oh, I didn’t see that coming a mile a way. Nail in the coffin as well when they announced Diaper Robo-Gnomes. I mean was it an hilariously ill-conceived attempt to reduce Blood Elf numbers by giving nearly all the ‘chocolate biscuit’ races to Horde and all the left over “stale custard creams” to Alliance?

The fact that Horde Allied Races are TWICE as popular is not some small difference, and yes overall popularity most certainly matters in a game which millions play.

The flagship races, namely Zandalari and Kul Tirans is the biggest joke. On paper Kul Tirans sound extremely appealing. Burly pirate humans with accents to boot? “Yea sign me up shipmate. Oh dear, that’s what they look like. Nah, I’ll stick to my normal human thanks mate.”

Oh and you can bet the devs will continue to play on the comedy status of Void Elves (blueberries), Kul Tirans (fat humans) and Mechagnomes (diapers).

What even are those numbers?

What are the world numbers at.

well that doesn’t sound right;

also doesnt sound right

certainly doesn’t sound right cause I feel there’s a lot more of this

also oops necro, then again two other people just did it before me xd


ever more proof that the Alliance needs to finish what it started. This entire game must be purged.

Hm … Alliance Top 3
1.Night Elves
3. Void elves

1.Blood elves

I think this makes Void elves the most successful AR? Overrunning Draenei , Worgen and Dwarves …Wich are Core races

Why’s that surprising? They’re mostly a copy paste of the most popular horde race. No brainer that people would play them.

I can’t agree with you . The void elves gave the Alliance very close option to be a High elves .

The fact we are lower than LF space goats is a crime. A real crime. Where are my people!?
Drops to knees, cries We are fluffy and cute.
Love us, dammit! Grabs Knife

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Them being able to surpass Void Elf really means the Alliance is dead.

Soon we’ll be #1 and then everything will be ours.

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It’s all in the mojo

Too many belf players.
Disgusting people they are.


Logs in makes as many undead as I can.

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I mean… at least blizz supplied them with a diaper now…

I would only trust numbers from Blizzard with regard to this. I wouldn’t trust these numbers.

I’m always saddened that Worgen representation is so low. One of the coolest races. Shame they can’t be my favorite 2 classes, paladin & shaman.

Provide an evidence or source rather than say that “HuMan Is MoSt PlAyED rAcE”.

Hamburger is the most popular food!

Geez someone necro’d a post of mine from FEBRUARY 1ST…and then there’s people that do not realize this, and are comparing my numbers to today’s… WoW forums :man_facepalming: