Grats Blizz, huge Alliance groups roaming the world, now fix your servers for outdoor PvP

There’s a simple solution to the skill advantage, though. Get equally skilled yourself.

Number advantage can be fixed the same way it always is: They have a raid group corpse camping? Get into your own raid group and fight back.

That said, yeah… corpse camping in a raid group (and FP camping for that matter) is just scummy in general. Anytime I’ve killed anyone in warmode, I just go on with my business. Already killed em once, not going to sit on their body and ruin someone’s day just because I have something tiny in my pants.

But racials are exactly why horde has the advantages it has now.
Top guilds transferred to horde because of racials.
This caused an imbalance where now top players and anyone serious about progression raiding, mythic+, orPvP have since gone horde.

So tell you what.
Go ahead and nerf the war mode bonus.
Right after you nerf racials and get anyone who transferred to the horde to go back alliance.

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The problem is that anyone who is serious about progression or PvP is going horde for the advantages they have.

So naturally the more skilled are going to end up their.

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So fix racials? Turn them off for raiding and rated PvP. Do any top raids still even play? I mean honestly? Pretty sure top end people quit before casuals and this expansion is unarguably on the same level as WoD.

It’s not nerfing WM bonus just to be clear, It’s making it fair for both sides since alliance clearly has the numbers to compete.

Then you also have to get all those guilds to go back alliance. Good luck. Your talking thousands of dollars per guild.

Oh and congrats on even further homogenization of the game.

Oh and don’t forget turning off racials in mythic+

I guess the real question is, though… if the horde is so overpowered and broken with their racials… why play alliance at all? Legitimate question.

You’ve got people like JdotB saying how overpowered Shadowmeld is for M+, and M+ alone can already did you to pretty much same gear level as Mythic raiding

Or we could stop the petty complaining and focus on unfair advantages in the game.

Or we could sit here and cry that Blizzard doesn’t have an counter for active horde and active alliance players so we can complain that OMG HORDE HAS 30 MORE PLAYERS THAN ALLIANCE TODAY! WE NEED A FREE MOUNT AND END GAME RAID GEAR TO GET MORE PEOPLE TO PLAY OUR SIDE!

People who play alliance tend to be casual or not into hardcore raiding and enjoy the aesthetic more.

Some of us aren’t super interested in the competitive scene.

But Blizzard bases their game decisions off that, so we have to deal with the fallout of it, anyway.

Their sharding tech is trash and needs to be scrapped, they need to go back to battlegroups and only have a few servers for each “battlegroup”

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Okay, so my next question then:

If you’re not playing at a hardcore raider level, or you’re just casual or whatever… Why does it matter that you have a 30% bonus over a 10% bonus in warmode?

Honestly, I don’t care what the Alliance bonus is. It could be 100% more and I’d still be Horde. I’m just trying to figure out what all the fuss is about.

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Which is what I was doing. Your unhappy be cause war mode bonus is currently unfair to alliance.
Why is it unfair to alliance? To get them to participate.
Why were alliance not participating? Because horde chased them out.
How did horde chase them out?
Horde used numbers and skill advantages to corpse camp them.
How did horde get such advantages?
Changes over the years made it so that racials were horde favored and anyone who was serious about progression and PvP swapped to horde

My point has been made. If you can’t see it, that is your own failing.


Because people on both ends were complaining that alliance weren’t participating in war mode.

And for the record, there are hardcore alliance guilds, they just tend to be drastically fewer in number.


Why force them to participate? Nobody cared about warmode or world PvP for 14 years and it was never an issue. Take the rewards all out and put it back to how it was: PvP if you want to

I understand everyone likes horde better, but that shouldn’t be the horde’s fault. Tyranny of the minority and pissing off the majority of your paying customers isn’t the way to fix it. It’s a way to ruin an entire expansion.

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Apparently people do because people from both factions were complaining about the lack of alliance presence.

So blizzard took action to fix it.

But now that they’ve had the bonus for a while and more Alliance have gone to WM, and more Horde have turned it off, what would be the harm in making it even again? Even if it was 10/10, 15/15, or even gave both sides 30%?

Would all the Alliance just immediately shut it off again? Or is it possible that some of them actually enjoy it now and it wouldn’t matter?

Why would alliance stick around? Every time I venture into war mode I still get overwhelmed by horde.
Soon as you take the bonus away alliance leave again.

Sounds like a sharding issue more than anything, though, mate. I see far more alliance when I have it on than horde. All just depends on which shard you get thrown in to.

Except it’s not. Horde has a population advantage. You can’t shard tg at away. Horde has a skilled player advantage. You can’t shard that away.

Oh trust me, if you asked people “Do you think one side should have an unfair advantage so there’s more to kill?” nobody would say yes. You know how I know? Look at all the horde threads complaining about it.

Not just the wrong action, the worst possible action. Giving one side an direct unfair advantage should never have been a solution to any problem, period.

What if instead of nerfing EMFH they just gave horde free high ilvl end-game gear, a permanent 30% xp, gold, honor and free enchants / gems?

It’s not hard to understand how this is wrong. :roll_eyes: