So those who feel it’s unfair won’t be doing the warfront for the 400 piece either?
…stop replying to her, she’s a waste of time, she’ll never get it, she loves wow too much to say anything bad about it…
…this is the funny thing when someone has an advantage, screw the rest of you…I’ve been rat packed by horde so many times it’s just the way it is…and you guys 5v1 someone, and then spit on them when done…very few horde are really good, they just pack up and kill alliance 1 at a time…horde carry each other, kudos for you…
Hello? PVP server is implicit in this? I’m not complaining about being “rat packed” as you say. PVP happened on a PVP server.
The complaint here is sharding abuse, insufferable lag, and unfair rewards. Not getting our panties in a bunch because we got “killed”.
…you are wasting your time with wow fanbois, no matter what, wow is the best ting in the world…having leveled 20+ toons on PVP servers dominated by horde, I understand completely what you are saying…
I got gloves >.<
…you rat pack alliance and complain about them not wanting to get rat packed…wurd up G…
So sadz 4 u
Do I? That’s strange
…only 4 mins left on my sub…bye…
This is going to be Josefene in a few weeks after not logging on for a bit.
They always come back for more…
it’s kind of a bull$hit excuse though, when you say “pvp happened on a pvp server” what people think about is either an epic duel to the death between you an another player over a quest/node/personal molehill or a large scale tarren mill v southshore group fight.
what is not pvp is 40 people ganking 1 at a time.
Well, that’s people assuming then.
When a person prescribes to a ruleset, they have to understand all the possibilities. If they don’t like the rules after experiencing something (like getting smashed solo by a raid), it not really up to the rules to change if most people prefer it that way. If they didn’t understand the rules, that’s on them to know it.
What’s that saying? Sometimes your the hammer, sometimes your the nail?
The thing about WM, is you can “get the good stuff” and then avoid the bad stuff. Like, Allies turn it on, join a raid, reap the benefits (400 ilvl) and then turn it off a half hour later.
We can’t do the quest in a raid.
But I agree we know what we’re signing up for when we turn warmode on. The problem was, so many alliance weren’t. I don’t know why but I think one reason could be getting ganked by full raids a few times made it not worth it.
I don’t think turning it on, getting the reward and then turning it off is healthy for wpvp overall, but I’m not sure how Blizzard can stop that short of putting a cool down on toggling it.
I didn’t even need a raid, I just went to do my 1st turtle quest in SSV and there was a big fight that turned into a farm. 10-15 minutes I was done. Went to finish my last turtle quest in Nazmir and the horde were doing the same thing so I turned off war mode and done lol. I don’t think there was much thought put into this other than “lets give a heroic piece each week to get the Alliance to pvp!”
the question then is why to people do it? nobody likes getting ganked by a raid group, killing people 1 at a time as a raid group even feels dirty for the players doing it.
TBH i think they should remove all rewards for WM other than CP for incursions. I’ve played on both PVE and PVP servers and even though there was zero incentive and plenty of risk for doing so, people would still flag themselves for PVP on PVE servers. most of my experience in wpvp has been on PVE servers. if we never needed incentive to flag for PVP, why does war mode need any incentives at all?
Sadly they don’t feel dirty, I joined one and they actually would pat them selves on the back for 30v1 someone.
We killed a few afk and someone joined and someone in raid told the new person that world pvp has been on fire and they scored a ton of kills.
I just left as it wasn’t for me, I tend to just solo gank or go in a 5man.