Grats alliance players!

On your free ilvl 400 item this week! hopefully we can get some horde love for the same thing next week


should have no trouble capping cq or mythics/raiding as horde. let em have something.


Don’t hold your breath. The weekly has been Alliance since it came out.


Yeah man best day, just got an amazing helm.

Prob not going to get another to replace it, thanks blizz!!

I’m halfway cp capped as alliance on day one. And alliance can do mythics or raiding as well.


Just remember it is still RNG. I got pants with crappy stats. :stuck_out_tongue:

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and a horde player would be capped with same time played. pve is also much quicker to do on horde side.

Weren’t Horde gifted easy purples start of Season 1?


If i remember on my horde toon we got the free 370 and farmable 340s at the start of the new raid tier.


Your million man raid on my city lags out the entire zone. Knock it off.


there was only 30 of us. Surprisingly lot of small alliance groups running around your city, they just ended up following us.

That’s different than a 400 for just killing 25 players, which will be a weekly for alliance unless horde are bottom of the list for warmode, which I don’t see happening, on top of warfront gear.

Yea, i mean i’m /boggle at blizz solution here. 400 is heroic raid tier loot for the new raid. :no_mouth: That is going to only one side. That’s pretty unfair.


Considering you have all week to cap pts which I’d argue is quicker alliance with queues, or mercing I suppose. And if you can’t get into pve just do rated pvp with group finder.

I agreed with this until I made an ally. Even though I boosted him to 110 it was brutal running around trying to level with wm on. To be honest, I even got on my horde char to see what emissary was up and where those world quests were and avoid those areas.

Without that 400 item level loot, I don’t believe any alliance would turn it on and I really don’t blame them. I even feel slightly guilty looking back when I played horde when I would help tag an alliance player getting ganked for giggles.

I don’t know what other incentive you could give alliance to turn on wm other than loot.


Here’s the thing though my man- RP shards (which i am on) have historically had more Allies in PVP, and have more in WM, since it’s inception. So, us horde on RP have always been a little outnumbered. No big deal. Now, with the big bonus since 8.1 and the new loot, we are absolutely overrun.

Literally Zandalar is under attack by raids from the boat to the seal at all times.

So, Ally on RP get (and always have) more numbers flooding in because of the bonus, the bonus itself, and the gear quest every week.

This is also happening on the Oceanic shard, were they are vastly outnumbered worse than RP is.

Maybe this makes sense for other shards but it’s a poor design oversite for the rest of us.


Definitely not that. All it’s going to do is make people turn it on, find a good alliance shard, complete quest and turn it off.

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To be fair, I didn’t consider rp shards and their different sharding ruleset.

The incursions usually have enough players to fight back at least when one faction takes over an area.

I think they just need to disincentivize raid groups in wpvp. Like a “strength in numbers” debuff or where you do not get the warmode buff while in a raid group.

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But still, the players who never turned warmode on still won’t once they get their handout. 400 ilvl piece just for some wpvp is too much.


How do you know? What if they get a thirst for blood and just leave it on?

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