Grapple Hook Takes You Out of Stealth

Using Grappling Hook in stealth takes you out of it


I’m having this problem as well. Even when using it directly from the spellbook (i.e. without mouseover macro) it breaks stealth.

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I’m having the same problem. I’m new to outlaw, so I didn’t know this was an issue to begin with.

Also having this issue on my new Tauren rogue.


I did some further testing and believe I found the source of this bug. When you have subterfuge talent taken from the class tree grappling hook will break stealth. However when you don’t have subterfurge taken, grappling hook does not break you from stealth.

Therefore there has to be some issue with the interaction between grappling hook and the subterfuge talent.


Gonna bump this since Dragonflight has launched and this is still an issue.

Grappling Hook is still breaking stealth on my rogue, and I have the Subterfuge talent taken.


I encountered this today on my rogue as well. Definitely seems to be related to Subterfuge talent


Yep, still having this bug on my rogue as well 12/1/2022


Same. Grapple Hook, bye bye Stealth.

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Encountering this bug as well, only when having subterfuge talent

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Just confirming the same…grappling hook takes me out of stealth with subterfuge talent enabled. Hoping if we keep bumping this someone will see it.

+1, really annoying

Okay good I thought I was just going crazy. I kept saying to myself I swear I use to be able to stay stealthed while using Grappling hook.

And I know because it’s second nature for me to use it around mobs that are hostile and now I’m get kicked in the face for it.

It’s strange because its only recently started happening to me after the reset yesterday. It’s really F’d me in world PvP…

Thanks for the info. This sucks!

Found this post whilst looking for a fix- thought it may have been something broken on my end somehow.
Thanks for the info, hopefully they get some attention on this!

(Running a dungeon earlier, I ended up pulling a pack of mobs because I used the hook to catch up with the group. Didn’t realise I was suddenly out of stealth until it was too late.)

Bump, be nice to get a blue to at least acknowledge.

This need to be fix asap is very annoying

Grappling hook is just so broken and badly needs attention.

Yea, seems to not go out half the time in the open world since ~9.2 also.

Bump please fix