Grapple Hook Takes You Out of Stealth

Hurry up and fix this,cant even use the Subterfuge talent because of this

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It’s a really frustrating bug… please help!

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Still waiting for fix. Please.

It’s not a bug, they just made grappling hook take you out of stealth now, it’s a redesign.

then why does it only happen when taking subterfuge talent?

Clown take :clown_face:

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1 month of bumps maybe they’ll fix it someday

please fix

+1 Please fix, just specced into the subterfuge talent and now I am having to relearn not using grappling hook while stealthed. Please fix, this is not how this is supposed to work

Bumpity bump
Still no acknowledgement of this bug?

Very annoying. Would really appreciate it being fixed.

Bump wtf fix this

Bump, still takes you out of stealth

How this is still not solved is beyond me? Do your frickin job Blizzard.

My rogue is unplayable because of this.

got fixed yesterday dont know if there was a blue post

It’s in the Jan 4th hotfixes.