Graphics Update

So, you’re saying that you don’t have a valid argument against adding improved graphics? Got it.

I don’t expect that I’m going to get the improved graphics option that I want, but I still haven’t heard an actual argument against it.

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Don’t ever bring this subject up again. You want modern graphics play bfa.


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He actually does speak for the majority of the classic community .

The classic community wanted the old graphics. This is fact. You don’t like it. We don’t care. Play bfa with the new graphics.

By your own definition, No-changers lost. The Modern water is a massive graphical change that covers a large portion of the game. The Modern, dynamic shadows are also a massive graphical improvement.

You lost.

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So you guys have the gall to demand more?

Yes, yes we do.

Sorry, not sorry.

So what you are saying is that you want classic to fail.

No, not at all. Classic won’t fail because a minority is upset over optional graphical improvements.

That’s just a fact. Plenty of “No-changers” were using max’d out graphics on the beta. The outrage displayed here over optional graphical toggles is a farce. It boils down to an irrational fear of a slippery slope; that’s the real reason there’s an outrage over something that has no effect whatsoever on your personal gameplay.


So what you are saying is that you want the GDP to fail.

It will have a real effect on the game though. Resources used to make a toggle work would be redirected from elsewhere.

A toggle that was removed from retail. No one seems to know the real reason it was removed and thus can’t say why all the sudden Blizzard would want to put it back.

Either way, it would take time to do. Time better served elsewhere. Making retail better is one option.

Keep Classic humming along, otherwise, leave it be.

See, I’d rather they invest those resources in giving “me” the option of using better graphics in classic, than on making new raids for retail, which I will never see.

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Meh, that was a throwaway jab at retail. I don’t expect the Classic team to work on retail at all. The point stands.

I’m curious what you think the classic team is going to work on if you are adamant about “no changes”? Like, literally anything they would work on would be a “change”, no?

Like I said, keep the game humming along. They shouldn’t need a big team.

Sounds like a recipe to ensure classic is short lived.

We’ll see I suppose.

Personally, I want them working on things that are essential, and as few things that are sure to be controversial as possible.

If they add in an option for you guys to see your modern graphics at some point after launch when everything is smooth and stable, I’m fine with it. But right now, they’re busy.

Personally, I want to see them add seasonal servers. The only problem with classic wow, right now, is that it will only happen once: on Aug 27, 2019. If you miss that date, you’ll never see it again.

If it doesn’t mean resetting existing servers then I’m ok with it. Or if I know (like 10 different warnings) my server will be reset before I roll on it, ok. I think the characters should be deleted though and not automatically moved to another server.

I happen to agree with you entirely, perhaps that’s why I didn’t gloss over the “include it as an option” statement you made. While I would love this to be an option, as I find myself playing Classic exclusively when it come to WoW, I highly doubt Blizzard will ever devote the recourses to making this happen - specially with Activision on their shoulder.
IMO an update to the graphics would increase the longevity of Classic - my wet dream is that they do a rework of the graphics at the re-launch of BC… alas… its a wet dream :stuck_out_tongue: