Graphics in classic WoW

I’ve been playing WoW almost every day for a couple of months now on max settings. I haven’t seen one single glitch from any models anywhere… maybe that’s a problem with your pc??
I won’t want to play classic with the old garbage graphics. Just saying.

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Go ahead and use that toggle to switch models and animations.
Of wait it isnt there.
Issue isnt with graphics its the fact that the model and animation toggles have never worked correctly.
Personally i never had a problem with glitching/clipping when the model toggles were active because i didnt play the classses/races that had the problems, i did however play a race that had their mild models deleted because they couldnt resolve issues. To deny there wasnt an issue when there were countless threads on the issues is childish.
Almost as childish as trying to compare modern retail to a feature that is no longer included in modern retail

i am totally agree with your idea!

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I’m agree with you just put the whole new graphics as an option you can switch from classic to advance graphic also the the characters models and movements of course only the visual but you can keep the movements the same no change is just visual changes I would like to see that we some have good GPUs and computers so it would be interesting to put both visual concepts at play.

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Lets have both ways, for all people if you want to switch just switch if you like it the way it was you don’t need to change anything, everybody happy don’t you think ? and by the way the combat animation is what I dont like to much because is too fast but the animations of running and movements and the new models are way better and the smoothness of the animations are just incredible.

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From what I’ve read it’s technically not possible to have a toggle. Honestly the graphics are fine anyways, I run max settings with either 150 or 200 resolution scale and AA disabled as it blurs the game

So one thing I noticed if you have the option in Nvidia. You can turn the sharpness up some and it does make the game look a little crisper, however the drawback is it changes the color when you move around. I’m not sure if there is a fix for the color changing like it does.

Strongly agree

i hate how they forced us to use those ugly warlords of draenor models