Graphics in classic WoW

I have another question for the staff of classic wow. Why did you choose to make the old graphics the only option in classic instead of having the client side option to make the graphics better? I personally wanted to try playing the classic version with better graphics and was looking forward to it as where others I know. Was it a technical issue or just a stance on giving the full classic experience? (Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this and have a wonderful day!)


I don’t know if graphical options have been fully ruled out or not, but if I’m not mistaken there were some technical issues in having both versions of the graphics running together.


how they have all the types of models in the base game if not maybe one or two, should not be that big of a technical issue. I am glad to hear it is not fully ruled out, thanks!

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The reason they’re not offering updated models for classic is the same reason they don’t offer old models for retail.

I remember back in Legion I posted two or three topics on GD asking for the old models to be put back into the game and everyone gave me the same answer I’m going to give you.

No :blush:


It was definitely a technical issue that caused the toggle to be removed on live.

If Blizzard manages to fix that toggle and make it work properly I wouldn’t mind them adding one in, but for right now I think it’s more important to restore the original graphics as they were. The vast majority of Classic enthusiasts prefer those, anyway.


It’s not the graphics that make classic great, it’s the gameplay.


I like the new environment graphics but the old character models. At this point, I just want to play the game so I’ll take whatever.


Are you talking about graphics or models? From what we’ve seen in the demo, you will optionally have access to enhancements in graphics and other visual effects such as grass swaying as you walk past it. As for models, that is changing the game kind of like a Skyrim mod replacing the main character with Goku from DBZ.

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Vanilla graphics are really good.
Ppl didn’t have high end pc back then or very limited.

Vanilla maxes out graphics are good.

Most ppl forgot or never had it in highest mode.


Ythisens during one of his streams mentioned after being asked that he “does not believe” that those graphics options will make it to Classic launch. It’s likely they were in the demo because the demo’s an incomplete version of the game and the devs didn’t remove the enhanced graphics yet.

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This. :back:


New models are disgusting


This is something that people need to remember. The hardware needed to run WoW at the highest graphics levels back then was outside the price range for a lot of people, myself included.

I ran most things at low settings, but I had set the draw distance to high for PvP purposes. Things didn’t look terrible, but they look nothing like they do for me now in retail.

I currently run an RX560 (an entry level card) my graphics settings are at 7 and I rarely if ever drop below 60fps, even in crowded areas like the Org AH.

CPUs and GPUs have improved their power and capabilities drastically since Vanilla launched with even entry levels chips being quite powerful, or at least powerful enough for WoW, which is really a CPU bound game these days.

It will be interesting to see how the improved hardware effects the experience and game play this time around.

New models and graphics sound like they would be super heavy in 40 man raids and the large scale World PVP that is almost definitely going to happen regularly.

AMEH! I was curious of how the amazing old classic game would be with the newer animations and models!

Get SweetFX pal it’ll help a lot lightning is gorgeous in the game.


WOW Looks great!

I mean like the newer character models and such like the nice animations and character models we have now in retail

The graphics in retail are hot garbage.


I don’t care about the graphics as much as the mechanics and character trees.