Grand Alliance - Recruitment Fair

Recruitment Fair

Brought to you by the Grand Alliance

The Grand Alliance, is a role-playing community that encompasses a coalition of guilds that hopes to capture the feel of the Alliance of Lordaeron through representing the many nations and military factions of the Grand Alliance.

The Grand Alliance will host a monthly recruitment fair on the last Wednesday of the month from 8 PM to 10 PM Server Time (Central), rotating between the beautiful capital cities of Boralus, Ironforge, and Stormwind. Please watch for updates on which city the fair will be in each month.

The Recruitment Fair is open to any guild or community that is not openly hostile to the Alliance, and not limited to only military, governmental, or noble house groups. This includes guilds that are explorers, Argents, mercenaries, and privateers.


Recruitment Fair

Brought to you by the Grand Alliance

The Grand Alliance is a role-playing community that encompasses a coalition of guilds that hopes to capture the feel of the Alliance of Lordaeron by representing the many nations and military factions of the Alliance.

:small_blue_diamond: WHO: Anyone on not openly hostile to the Alliance.
:small_blue_diamond: WHAT: Recruitment Fair of guilds actively recruiting.
:small_blue_diamond: WHEN: February 22nd, 8 PM – 10 PM CST
:small_blue_diamond: WHERE: Unity Square, Boralus
:small_blue_diamond: DISCORD:


Looking forward to it! Magus Senate of Dalaran shall be there!


I’m very excited about this! The Dwarven Vanguard will be there!

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The Silver Vanguard will be there! You have our bow!


Might have to postpone with the current lag. Stormwind is not traversable at the moment.

The first one is in Boralus on 2/22.

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Oof. I need to learn to read better haha. My bad. Free bumps at least.

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Argent Advance will be there!

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Hyped for this!

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Kraken Company’ll be making their way over for sure

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I’m excited to see this!

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Looking forward for all the guilds planning to be in attendance!


It is coming up in just under two weeks. If you want a sneak peek at some of the guilds in attending, there is a Grand Alliance meeting tonight hosted inside the Gnomeregan Interior. (Do not enter the instance) at 8pm Server Time on Tonight, Friday, February 10th and hosted by Pride of Gnomeregan.


This will be a great time for you all to break back out those cute umbrella toys that we got in Shadowlands. Don’t worry, if it’s not raining when the faire starts, it will be soon.

Under a week away!

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Only a few days away!

:small_blue_diamond: WHAT: Recruitment Fair of guilds actively recruiting.
:small_blue_diamond: WHO: Anyone not openly hostile to the Alliance.
:small_blue_diamond: WHEN: February 22nd, 8 PM – 10 PM CST
:small_blue_diamond: WHERE: Unity Square, Boralus
:small_blue_diamond: DISCORD:


See you all tomorrow in Boralus! Stop by the Cupola and grab a cup of coffee on your way in, it’s hot and strong enough to wake the dead.

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Looking forward to seeing other guilds recruiting tonight :smiley:

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See you there!

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