Grab the Crusty Crawler Mount and Clamber Aboard

Am I missing something? The blue post says it should be in the shop, and I am not seeing it. Not that I’m going to buy this crap.

Also, did they up the price on mounts? They’re all listed at $25 dollars now?

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This mount was on the trading post, I believe about 2 months ago. NOPE…It does not fly. It is a ground mount.


It was. Its a recolor of the free mount a few months ago.

Edit: this thread is absurd. They gave it out free, and now theyre selling it. And the majority of posts are complaining?

Youd complaining if it was shop only. Get a grip on reality fellas. You need to go outside.


I’ll pass but thanks. Release something that’s actually good and I’m there.

Most of them have always been $25. Now I live in Texas. So maybe the price is different some how for those in other countries. But I been in Texas all my life and since they opened the shop, the mounts have been $25 dollars. To my Knowledge that is. Maybe someone else can chime in on this to be sure.


Prob not. Looks like a ground mount.

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It’s a cool mount if you don’t have one already. I like how they run sideways.

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Mister Krabs Noises.



I honestly thought they were $20, but I’m probably wrong. I’ve been awake for too long and my brain is shutting down.



Oh this was the one off the trading post. Interesting.

you probably already have it, it was the reward for the month of filling the bar objectives.

What a shameless cash grab, putting a mount that was already on the trading post (for free) in the cash shop temporarily to trick people into FOMO purchases.

There are no kind words for this blatant disrespect.

Do better.


Nope, every single mount in the game should be able to fly though.
If a stupid rat can fly so can my motorcycle and tigers


It will be at a later time.

You just have the option to snag it from the shop now and not be forced to spend tendies later.

Not sure how they’re tricking anyone? You could earn it for free as a bonus, if you missed out you can buy it with tendies in the future, and if you just gotta have it now but weren’t paying attention last year then you can just pay $15. There’s no bamboozling going on unless you’re thinking someone is going to just buy a mount without looking into how else to get it, in which case that’s just irresponsible purchasing to spend money with zero research.



Yeah, no. Not interested since I know at some point it’s going to end back up on the TP.

Maybe Blizzard accidentally linked the April 1st fools day thread on June 1st idk.

Does it rave dance?

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Why though.