GPU capping/game freezing while using Direct X 11

Since 8.3, I’ve been having issues with Direct X 11. My GPU will sit at 70-75% usage for a while, then WoW will freeze up my computer for 5-10 seconds - sometimes with my screen going fully black. When it comes back, the usage spikes to 100% for a moment and WoW takes a few seconds more to un-freeze itself and become playable again. My CPU then spikes from 50% to 95-100% for a second, then comes back down. This just repeats from there.

Changing to Direct X 11 Legacy “corrects” the issue, however also taking my FPS with it - pre-8.3 I’d normally have 80-100 cap, and I’ve been mostly playing at 30-50 with Legacy.

I got a response from a blue in this thread pointing out 141 errors, and did as they said to uninstall my drivers with DDU and reinstall again, but there’s been no changes since. Since this seems to be a different issue than that thread though, I thought I’d make a separate post.

Unfortunately cannot post my DxDiag as it’s saying the body is too large to post, but I posted one the other day in the linked thread.

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Howdy Aedän,

Thank you for providing the link to the other post you made. If the DDU didn’t work then we need to look at the Operating System because something is causing the driver to act up. Sadly if these steps do not help then I would recommend reinstalling Windows and having a local tech take a look at the computer to get this sorted out.

New Admin This will make sure it’s not a strange permission issue.

System File Checker This step will check the windows files and try to correct anything it finds.

WT… No, just no.

This is not an isolated case, there is other forum posters reporting this, as well as vaguely touched on within my own multiple tickets (across several different accounts)…

Blizzard Blue has even replied stating that “legacy direct x” is a known workaround for the moment. in this thread… 8.3 Freezing (Windows OS Thread) - #74 by Kaldraydis-1147

I guess my appaul, is in the fact, that a tech support agent (i would assume this, no? this is support…), is suggesting that the fix is a windows reinstall. This just seems like cut n paste hogwash given when a support agent has no clue. Not intending to be rude, but it is what it is.

This is entirely a GAME issue. Thanks.

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New Admin still had the issue, and System File Checker found nothing.

Looking back to the thread I linked, someone else specifically mentioned theirs was a GPU issue instead of memory issue here, and there’s a similar issue here. This leads me to believe some other mentions are speaking of a GPU spike instead of just a memory leak.

I strongly believe this is on WoW’s side, not my PC. I will reinstall Windows if you believe it absolutely necessary to try, but I’m definitely not paying someone to look at my PC when it’s only occurred while playing WoW with that specific setting, and only since 8.3 launched.


Yes. The game is messing with my pc. There is an issue of the fps fluactating drastically and when I exit out of game, my pc responds slowly for a few seconds after then I am able to do other stuff.

It is the game, not my pc, not my router/modem and not my provider. Because if it was any of that, I would still be having problems.

This has been happening since the update Tuesday.

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having same issue

Hey folks,

The original poster’s problem is related to the thread they originally linked. Since we already had a thread on this problem, we’re going to lock this to keep all the reports in one place.