Got scolded for leaving my own key LOL?

Had already done my 8 for the week and decided to just finish a few more for the IO score improvement.

Was on the last boss of TOP and wiped. Overtimes already. Said “Thank you all for coming” and hearthed.

Had the Warlock getting all pissed with me saying that he wanted to finish it.

Dude, it’s my key which you broke and I didn’t even blame you over it.

I don’t know what you guys think about it but in my view I did nothing wrong.



Is it Sunday already?


I think if the story is true, you’re a horrible person.


People want the ruby from theater and that’s a long dungeon so you should’ve stuck around to finish it.


Posting in another ragemode bait thread!

…also, you’re very inconsiderate to others, assuming your story is true.



Already had your eight dungeons done, was your own key, and on the last boss. So all of the reasons NOT to leave yet you did anyways. Though I’m not surprised you’re making another bad take topic.



To be fair, if you’re down one DPS on the boss… you can probably 4 man it especially on a fortified week.

I did a theater 6 without a tank that left after the second boss and we finished it. I’m
Just a stubborn healer though that doesn’t like to give up

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Leaving a bad group and burning a key isn’t bad, it doesn’t matter who’s key it is. If more people left bad keys then pugs might decide to make some friends and start running with friends anyway, the way keys were meant to be run.

I wanted the IO score from TOP and if you complete it , it will change to another key. Then I have to go hunt for TOP key again.

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I don’t know about others, but I’m saving this thread for the next time you complain about not being able to find M+ groups as a hunter. :slight_smile:


I am afraid of not finishing , so I have not started.
You confirm my greatest fear…

Right click, add to /ignore so as to never see this player ever again.

In my view, i did nothing wrong by adding a leaver to ignore.


it always feels bad when ppl leave on last boss.

already went through all that mess - might as well finish it.

idk what you expect the reactions to be when you leave on the last freakin boss lol
who’s key it is isn’t even part of the equation.

that being said if you gotta go you gotta go… but dont be surprised if you get a whisper or two lol

“%#$* this *^&$ Sam… I’m going back to the Shire.”
-Frodo, when things got hard


Blame it in bad design. If you leave key, you keep the dungeon. If you complete it, it changes

A horrible person for leaving a key? Dramatic much?

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Also hunter is rlly bad and actually unplayable bcause reasons so the group losing their hunter probably wouldn’t have changed anything anyway :upside_down_face:


If you legitimately believe this is true, then you are beyond help.

Oh hai Talonel.