Got scolded for leaving my own key LOL?

Congrats you just wasted 4 other people’s time. You feel good about that? Suck it up and do the boss again. It’s 4 extra minutes. Just because you don’t need it, the other members of YOUR group that YOU formed probably do need it. Please uninstall.


You left after 1 wipe on the final boss. Yes, that’s scummy. You should feel bad. If you didn’t feel some bit of guilt, you wouldn’t even be posting about it. If you thought you were going to be told you did the right thing, then big lolz at you.

You did nothing wrong.

Key was dead and you came there with a different purpose than the others.

I’ll leave chill groups if people don’t listen even if it’s my own key.

Some of the best groups I’ve gotten were from competent people looking just for a completion on +13 and up.

The name of the game isn’t a true DPS race just do mechanics and you can time it.
And if you can cheese some mechanics that makes life easier for the healer do it.

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The truth of the matter. You abandoned the group bc you wanted the score for TOP and when you didn’t make the timer you bailed to reset. Sounds pretty douchy to me.

I feel like keys fall into the same category as classic dungeon groups. It’s a dooky thing to do, to leave early, but it’s understandable too. Nobody wants to be chained to things; which is why imo retail is better.

funny part is

you get just as much score (or darn close to it) from an untimed 19 as you do a timed 18

that aside,

OP is a known troll and makes up drama for the forums.