Live but offline.

Go make one, you’ll feel better

Dear Blizzard “What we have here is a failure to communinicate…”

Expect what you want. You’re only making yourself look like a petulant child.

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just simply telling the time it will be up would have been easy XD

I feel fine, but thanks for your concern.

i just had a ham and salami sandwich

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one realam name is “these go to eleven”…

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You’re not you when you’re hungry

A child for having expectations and explaining why I have them, sure buddy. Whatever lets you think you’re smort.

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Its meant to be up right now
Its just broken

Was wondering if the imcompat thing was my side. semi glad it isn’t

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and when its really ready to go we will have to do another 10-20gig patch to dl

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It’s not. A blue post said “Hopefully not much longer” just a few minutes ago. They’re not up and broken, they’re just not up at all yet.

The login servers have been live, but the game server hasn’t been turned on yet.

The incompatible server thing is because those are PTR servers. Those are not the beta servers.

Normally I like to give Blizzard some slack on server issues… but this isn’t server issues.
Nobody told Blizzard they had to have the Beta ready today – they picked the date lol.

Imagine if they were doing all this work to get the servers ready now, but told everyone the servers were going to be up tomorrow at 9am.

Instead they’re just like “Let’s just tell our users that it’s gonna be ready but not give a time, and then yolo our deployment in the middle of the day, so that our users are all sitting on edge waiting for hours for literally no reason.” Lmao.


They put on twitter that its now live

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Tells me the issue is more than likely on Blizzards end. In all the years I have had Beta access for expansions to this game (all but Shadowlands) I have NEVER had this issue, before.

It blipped “live” I clicked on it, disconnected and back to the login queue lol.

We’re getting closer - the War Within Beta forum is up!!!