Got a whisper from someone in game

Spelled Bllzzard looks right even though it isn’t. Any blocks you think for filtering names will not work. They will bypass it in five minutes.

It’s really simple. Right-click the name. If you can report it, do it. Report for spamming. That’s one of the reasons it was added to the game. You can’t do that with legitimate Blizzard employees.


That hasn’t been my experience, Wasntme. From what I’ve seen they tend to pay very little attention to the name and more to the message/threat. I appreciate the efforts though. We do what we can to limit the impact these folks have without negatively impacting normal play as best as we can.


I actually hadn’t gotten one of these in a really long time until like, last night?

Sure, “Blizard”. I am really worried about the “illegal actions” of my account.

I couldn’t help responding “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” to their whisper before I reported and ignored them.

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