Got 3 different rank 1 shuffle tanks in my lobbies today

anyone have any guesses what I did? I was on healer btw :slight_smile:

how’s it going guys? Hope I see you again real soon.

Does it rhyme with, “beave the arena”?


all im saying is someone in every lobby either went 1-5 or 0-6 every time.



the trill of the grind right ladies? enjoy the que

https ://imgur. com/a/k5G1PQ4

Doing God’s work. Down with all tanks in arena.

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Bro, why are there priests in the priest forums trolling me saying dispersion silences you?

Got me, I never visit that place.

Literally got 3 different priests arguing with me that dispersion is a silence because you can’t cast during it.

LOL yeah, I stay away from the class forums and GD. i tend to get vacations when I visit there.

you went to a class forum and expected the people in there not to be fried pvers?


Bro, i figured i’d go in there, leave some feed back for the devs, make sure these guys dont cry and ruin my class.

Seeing as they removed mind games and moved it into the pvp talents, i didn’t want them to further destroy the spec.

but lo and behold, the literal scum of these forums dwell there.

Saying the worse things i ever heard, like sp is the squishiest class in the game, you can’t cast anything when kicked on void torrent, if sp had door of shadows they could kite melee :rofl: the list goes on and on.

warrior class forum has them asking for mortal strike to straight be removed and put the ms into cleave after I saw that ik the people in there were iffy.


this feels like an appropriate place to put this quote.

Oh, I love to

Yeah, it’s an extremely uncommon occurrence. The closest thing I ever really see is somebody who is already doing poorly trying to save safe by saying that they’re throwing after very obviously trying their hardest and not winning.



I saw you in one of my lobbies. What kind of tanks were you getting?

Oh hey i remember queueing into you tonight. First was a caster lobby where we went 3-3 (no tank), and second was a 3 melee lobby with an aff lock. We had pretty good swaps to you and killed u in about 30 seconds, then YOU AFK’D OUT OF THE LOBBY. (Again no tank)
Kinda sounds like youre making up fighting multiple r1 tanks so u left, when in fact i can assure you left after dying in first game and there were no tanks in the lobby.
Double cringe.


the first lobby a dps went 0-6 because he trained the healer every single round

then i left on the first round of the second lobby because I had to go. Thanks for dropping by to make stuff up though.

“I had to go” hey? U gonna stick to that?
Ironic that the same person who rage quits my lobby earlier makes a thread same day about how he left lobbys today because of tanks… you had one tank lobby. Big deal. You had a dps go 0-6. Doesnt matter. Then you leave after losing first game because you “had to go”, and come here to make this thread about “the thrill of the grind”?
You can go ahead and have the last word, ive said my piece and can back it up.