Gorgonnash Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Gorgonnash (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Maybe I’m just dumb but I cant seem to see any posts in here…

Fwiw I was Proxy the undead warrior, and Notproxy the undead warlock. I was in the guild (I thin there were some fancy syntax choices in that like <|Them|> or something like that). I remember playing alot with Omi, Sulsa Weaselkwik… I remember Apedog getting the first r14 on the server…

Interested in seeing who’s coming back and how their lives have changed.

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I started on gorg in wrath and was around for the reign. I was in or something. The only main person i remember was babyzack a mage

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I started playing juuuuust before BC launched.
This was my main character, but I had 2 or 3 other characters that all started with Earth-
I leveled enhance but, as like all shamans do, had to heal to see all the shiny raid content.
I pretty much lived Resto so I may have healed a dungeon or two for you.

The guild I first joined was Reckoning or Reckonings?
Then moved onto Dazed and Confused.

Hi all, I was Myztic the undead priest. Just fishing around to see if anyone from Stonard Safety Council is around these parts.

Miss you Kolinx and Bubblebutt. Hope you’re lives turned out great.


Apedog was such a good name. Got to heal him in bgs every once in a while and it was a blast. I remember your guild and your name is familiar. Welcome back!

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It’s Ya Boi, Blazinglion of Blades of the Dragon. Was Apedog really the first? Dang. I remember him running around STV with his wife, fun times. Hi all!

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Hey everyone, Lajik here (Orc Warrior). I was an off tank of Blades of the Dragon and we often raided with another guild called The Dark Allegiance I think. We were never really a great guild, but made lots of friends. I also had a resto druid named Duriad. Good to see you’re still active Blazinglion. I’m still in contact with some peeps from BotD. I’m hoping to see some familiar faces in classic, just need to decide on a server.

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Secondary the BE paladin here. I started in vanilla but didn’t get max level til after BC started (obviously-- blood elf). I raided with Umbral Sect for a while but spent most of my time PvPing with SUNNY D ALRIGHT and later FYSB/Calm Down Rookie. I’m in touch with a lot of the guys from SUNNY D and we’re rolling Alliance on classic launch, probably with a bigger group from Gorg’s ally side from back in the day. If you are looking to play with us or just wanna catch up you can shoot me a message on discord: Secondary#5921

Rayo/Nitrot Played a resto druid and an undead arms warrior, I was in JOURINTHEWAY for most of vanilla. and just pvp’d/spammed BG’s.


Any Frenzy/Luck folks playing classic?

Anyone from target dummies still around? Just curious it was so long ago.

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I was in frenzy in molten core. I still play.

My character name: Malhavic (there was a mage on alliance side who had Malhavoc), undead priest.
Used to raid with Kraken, and helped them clear MC/BWL/QA20+40 in classic, and then PVP’d a ton when BC came out.
The character names of other players when I used to play:
Sepz & Awens - other priests in the raids
Thedaywalker - our tank
Subzerox - I think off tanked
Botakek & Siang - warlock, might have been one of you two I PvP’d with when arena came out ?
Linguish - mage
Just checking to see if any of these folks plan on picking up classic :slight_smile:

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I started on Gorgonnash in BC. I was a warlock named Demoniack in the guild . I remember from that guild the GM Peanutbutter and his wife Jelly who were in the guild Dogma before I believe. I remember the hunter Bakasuya. Also I remember people from other top guilds Deep Blue, Umbral Sect, etc.

Yes! Frenzy people! Let’s play together again! I was Silverthorn (UD Warlock and Slytherin UD Priest – that I still play!)

Awesome to see old guild names from Gorgonnash in this thread.

Cazper troll priest here from the guild Fluffy Bunny Gang

I might have to join Secondary and roll alliance this go round… Would be nice to see everyone on the same server and faction.

Everende UD Mage
Kerrak UD Rogue

Played from classic launch to BC launch. I was in Bloodlust Tribe for a good chunk of that.

Looking for some old friends. Melna, resto shaman. Azule, mage.

Some of the folks I’m still in contact with, mostly from Frenzy, Bloodlust Tribe or Jourintheway:

Zaujin, Troll Priest
Matros, Tauren Druid
Oldburnsides, Orc Warrior
Hemlocke, Orc Warlock
Epilogue, Orc Shaman

I was desolatecow a resto druid. Played with Frenzy throughout all its raiding. Then went to Luck when it split up.

Folks I remember:

Will definitely keep people posted on what server I play. I have quite a few buddies looking to play classic and we’re all rolling together. I don’t have the time I did when I was in high school so I’m not going to be no-lifeing it like I did then, but would be great to have some folks to progress with.