Gorgonnash Horde Reconnections

Hey all, Used to play back in the day. Some remember me as Stealthviper, Duhast, Purehatred on horde side. Add me. let me know what server you are gonna play on and what race… Will be fun doing vanilla days again… ttyal. =)

<3 Mal ! You and me ang moh 4life

Some others that I remember off hand from Kraken/Asylum; Gametheory, Aggrogirl, Totorro, XiaoXiaoBor, Puppets…

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I was in Stonard Safety Council aswell back in the day.


MaliciousPwn here raided with Umbral Sect as hunter during most of TBC.

OMG Proxy!!! Not sure if you remember me, I was Anitablake (i know, it was a dumb name, its been changed) undead warlock. Was in Crimson Fury with you guys and RL friend of Weezil and Sulsa.

Demoniack! Good to see you’re still playing. I am not sure what my plan is going to be for Classic but on live, I am over on Stormreaver leading a guild there.

I am going to be playing Classic for sure, though, since I only started in BC.

For everyone else’s context: the guild was Dogma, then Damage Done split off from them, and I was with Damage Done until we stopped raiding halfway through the last tier of Mists of Pandaria (Siege of Orgrimmar lasted WAY TOO LONG). By that point we had transferred to Stormreaver from Gorg, and I (and a few others from that era) are still here and still play together.

Its so weird seeing names I haven’t thought of in forever, but still immediately remember.

I played as Seymor an Undead Rogue in Target Dummies. Looking to take my daggers off the hook and give it another shot.

Is there a specific server we were thinking about playing on?

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Crimson Fury that’s the name! I couldn’t remember the name of that guild to save my life. I knew it was crimson something. I think I do remember you.
Specifically I think we talked some about visiting my long distance girlfriend at the time? That was a big deal for me back then I remember it being awesome to have a girl to talk to about it. I hope that was you or I’ll feel like a real jerk.

I remember the name purehatred, did you do any of the premade AB grinding with when they were pushing for hwl?

I remember the name hemlocke too. He raided with my RL friend who was a warlock named either cable or ark (He namechanged at some point I don’t remember which was first).

Yeah, what he said.

LAJIK OH MY GOD it’s so nice to talk to you again! If you’re on Discord, you can find me at AugustSun#9911. I’d love to talk to you all more and roll alliance this time!

I vaguely remember that. I wasn’t involved with that hwl push, i started playing not too long after BG’s came out. I do remember the first time i saw Omi stop a flag cap in AB at the BS from LM.
That guild was some of the most fun i have ever had in this game.

I played an Undead mage named Zeroku through most of Vanilla and TBC.

I raided with Deep Blue at 60 and started TBC with them as well . Shortly after TBC got rolling I remember joining Lazy Town and raiding with Soljax and Novacayne(SP? , the undead warrior with T3 and Thunderfury lol). So many memories . I remember a lot of people from Umbral Sect , Deep Blue(Ayella , Croup , Bogeywoman!), Elis Guild, SSC, Order Sixty Six . Before I joined Deep Blue at 60 I was in a guild named Tierless , If Cargo, Anguish, Cronice, Bunsters or Valersicen is out there , hit me up !!

Oh and how did I forget , Spaceballz and Djpenguin!!!


Still have the kill shot from Luck’s first Nefarian kill. Good times.

I remember these names too. Don’t remember exactly, but I’m sure I raided with these 2 in either Luck or Frenzy.

I should be in this shot. You have that hosted somewhere that I could check it out?

Incendiary - Undead Mage

I didn’t Play on Gorgonnash but I do know it was the Server all the kids from Boulder Creek High school Played Horde in so if anyone one who went there want to still play this is Ronnie lol

Yeah, i put them up on imgbb

Domain is: ibb dot co

Url parms are:

I think quite a few people are missing…don’t see Blasto or wingw. I do vaguely recall wingw blowing all of his DKP on a weapon, though.

Can’t remember who snagged the screenshots either.

Desolatecow, it appears that we will need to discuss Druid loots again. Hands off my Stormrage! Mooooooooooooo!

It appears that Frenzy/Luck is reforming under the guild name “Fury”. There’s a few dozen folks already. I don’t know what realm we’re going to be on but this will definitely be the place to be. It will be a Western USA (PST) PvP realm AFAIK. Hope to see you there!

Edit: I’m pretty certain the realm will be either Whitemane or Fairbanks.

Hope life is/has been treating you well,


PS. I see a few names I remember in this thread… hey guys!

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Two questions:

  1. Are you considering a DKP system? I am afraid classic just won’t feel the same without DKP…

  2. Is Fury going to be hardcore or semi casual?

  3. Do you know raid times?

Ok, three questions…only three.

Still have my old main Socal, stopped playing him after TBC. Was in Crying Pandas, then ended in Target Dummies I believe. Played a couple other chars in TwoBitHorde, Foxtrott mostly. So excited to play Classic, probably rolling on Whitemane with a few others from the Vanilla days.

Hey Cozmo!

Fury will be raiding Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 pm PST to 11:30pm with lots of off night and daytime activity.

Two raid teams will allow Fury to split gear and get a solid core of full raid bis players. MC/BWL/Ony are pretty easy to run, even with less geared alts, so there’s no reason not to take advantage of raiding an alt.

Each character will earn separate DKP. DKP cannot be transferred from one character to another. Some items will remain on LC: BRE, bindings, styleen and chromag shield.