Gorgonnash Alliance Reconnections

OMG OMG OMG! So excited to hear you are coming back (Aprel - Pally)

What server is everyone going too?

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YO Garreth. Aprel here (Pally). Do you know what server everyone is going too? I’ve started a tune on Fairbanks

I remember Josey! Great to hear you are coming back. Aprel - Human Pally

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Hail to SheriDON. Glad to know you are doing well my friend.

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Flarez - Night Elf Druid

I played hybrid feral (nature’s swiftness feral) and did the pvp grind to Commander with Guargantuan’s (spelling?) GM grind.

Raided with Unrivaled Dominion through to Naxx. I’m surprised to not see and UD mentions here, where they at?

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Sure do remember you. I definitely remember the name Dugalle and blondekiller. I also remember the name Silentkill. Kallade and Malin are a little foggy for me.

Hi Aprel - I remember you too. I see you’re still w/ Dark Ronin? Are any of the old Aussies still around (Effie, etc…)?

/Hail. You as well my friend.

Oh god lol. I am proud to say i have grown up since those dark days haha. I still play my hunter, silentears, now horde though. I do plan to play a nightelf hunter for classic. Dug, doesnt play much anymore, busy with work. Kallade was a human warrior and malin was a human warlock, he was one of dug’s irl friends.

Yes - I remember always thinking you played a rogue (the name Silentears just evoked a rogue-ish picture in my mind).

Nothing wrong with playing for the Horde man, as you see, I do now too. Only have one alliance toon, which is my original druid, who I leveled just to see the alliance storyline.

Garret is still around and playing!! I might remember you, I think back in those days I was Burfoot Rogue in Red Branch but was always running MC with Garret

Old Red Branch member here, I think I had changed my name to Burfoot on my rogue when i switched to Gorgonnash, used to play with Garrett, Coodz and Hrmmm (if I remember those names right) and bunch of other names I cant remember for the life of me now. I still keep in touch with Garrett but thats about it…feel free to hit me up!

Ah the smooth velvety voice and calm Sheridon… Pretty sure I was the worst Rogue/Druid/Warlock that he ever lead in a raid lol…Amo here aka kitty ferd (Thx Tandy) …I always wanted to try Undead… that an East coast server?..


Name: Belwind
Guild: Azgard

Best druid on the server by far all thru naxx. WHAT IS UP MY BOY CHRONOVEY!!!


I still remember innervating you during raids and pissing off all the guild leaders to max ur DPS

Wish I could remember more from playing early on. I didn’t get a ton of playtime down in Vanilla, mostly started hitting it in Burning Crusade. Was in Serenity for a time. Remember Georgepatton, Openpalm, and Aznbrdflu.

Started raiding more after I left them in Burning Crusade and Wrath. I feel like it was in Old Guard, but I can’t be sure. Went by Monalfie and Illídan for a while, though not sure what I used after that. Played a Gnome Warlock throughout those years. Remember the guild leader had a wife or girlfriend who always acted horned up.

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No way! I just found this forum! I remember the Boompow crew, i was in his guild for awhile. I was much younger and stupider (you know, by about 14 years…) Anyways, I recognize tons of names in this thread!

I was Bubblez the human warrior, obsessed with crit to the point of stacking agility. Everyone called me Bubz.

Yeah we got in trouble for that a few times but I mean hey I always found it entertaining because it would drive Malthan crazy that I was ahead of him in damage.

Troggdor is further up the thread there too if you follow it up, he used to play with us as well. Haven’t really seen too many others, think most of them have stopped playing at this point. Dug up an old screenshot to see if there were any other names I recognized but not many sadly. Whole bunch of names from the screenshot that we used to play with though:

Krysae, Kirov, Allateup, Taron, Jaleel, Flig, Duma, Razer, Hound, Thorgrim, Wings, Qaud, Papichurro, Namelessone, Malthan, Aranel, Alfarin, Magness, Duma, Zelldona, Colgath, Tristum, Agustus, Tikytap, Supertrooper, Nikari

The rest of the names are pretty blurry when I try and zoom in on them and I recently had a hard drive crash that had most of my older screenshots on it so I’ve been trying to recover some of them but the drive is kaput I think.

[I still keep in touch with Sorrin occasionally as well since we went to school together IRL and he was the one who originally got me to play WoW as well.]

Hey all! I played Deirdre in the original Vanilla, a Night Elf Druid (nicknamed DD for ease). I was a member of the Immortals. Later transferred the character to Thunderhorn and then Zangarmarsh, where she still lives today!

Looking for anyone who remembers me :slight_smile:

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I haven’t seen anyone from Dark Ronin on in ages. I’m too lazy to /drop_Guild. /sigh