Kitty-Ferd! OMG! LOL
Hope all is well with you! It’s an East-Coast server, but we mostly raid pacific times. That said, we’re not so “formal” as we were in the early-days. If you can’t make the raid times, feel free to jump into another raid/pug/whatevs.
You should at least come say hi. Few names you may remember. I’m planning on reaching-out to Tandy and Elec as well, see if I can suck them back in…
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I think I remember Illidan raiding with us, but that must have been someone else in the raid with the “randy” wife…lol
Jamella, human priest. You know who I am.
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Shannon/Veluna/Laina here,
Good to hear some of the old crew is coming back with a new moniker. I re-subbed, and look forward to running old classic content with the guild. Reach out and let me know where to meet on Monday. <3
Do you crazy kids have a server decided yet?
Yeah, wish I was better with names. It might have just been someone in the guild, another raid leader, or another guild.
Mostly just did a little of SSC and Tempest Keep. Went harder in Black Temple and Battle for Mount Hyjal. Then a lot of long Wrath Naxxramas runs. Kind of dipped from raiding after that.
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Hi Deirdre! I have a vague memory of chatting with you in ventrilo a few times. Immortals sounds very familiar… I think that was one of my first guilds? I had a female NE hunter named Ataraxia and a female human warrior named Eskimo. I played with a paladin named Killed. I think I eventually switched guilds to either Damage Inc or Rise of the Darkside, because I wanted to start raiding… I don’t remember the details at all.
If I recall correctly, I upset you once because I kept calling Killed by his real name in Ventrilo, and you felt it was more appropriate to use his character name… or something like that. lol
Hey guys,
Muldieb here (NE Druid), cannot remember the guild name!
Remember a few names such as Skillztokillz (NE Warrior) and he had a rogue mate i cannot remember the name off, think it was Maloran? last i heard he transferred to a oceanic guild ( we are aussies)
Velm I remember you from back in the day. Sneakystab (rogue)
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Looking forward to walking down memory lane.
Sneakystab - Rogue
Lampdoor - Warrior
Shadows of the Void
Old Guard - Raid Group 2 and sometimes 1 if I was good.
People I remember - Sheridan(don), Raynna, olof, celestya, imagodess, meshuggah
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Hey everyone! I raided with Blood Faith back in Vanilla. I was mostly Raid 2, but played a Prot Warrior named Helgaard and a Holy Pally called Gyllan, raided MC and BWL with both. I remember Accura, Ispan, Tastymcgee, and a bunch of others. I can’t remember his player name, but one of the friends I made in vanilla was named Kris and played a pally if I recall. Hope everyone enjoys Classic!
Verified his humor is still terrible. SneakyStab the worst NE rogue in Old Guard.
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Haha, yes I was. A boomkin in classic…
Sound’s good Sher I’ll make sure to drop in, I was not planning to hit it hard just enjoy the nostalgia. Maybe just not start on a PvP I think I still have nightmares for leveling lol…I’m an easty zone now…Ah Tandy and Elec good times…
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I raided with Inevitable Force as a mage named Magannon. I remember tons of people from this guild, and hopefully we can get together at some point.
Looking for anyone from Knights of Arcania
This sounds vaguely familiar.
I look forward to more /2 trolling.
Aquaran, Human Mage, Rise of the Darkside
Aquan, Human Priest (Lvl 19 Twink PvP)
People I remember: Shadowsfear
BF is back for classic!