For some reason the silver dragon that marked a rare mob is no longer being used. I suppose it’s not a big deal but by which thought process do you look at these minor details and decide that eliminating it is one of your goals?
it’s pretty standard for products that have been around for decades to have ui/ux features reviewed, updated, etc.
I feel like this will be reverted. A small icon versus a Silver Dragon outline? No shot it goes through without some kind of extra indicator on Blizzard’s end.
I mean it could but it really shouldn’t without something added to help people notice easily if something is actually rare.
I like to know my gods by their name not some vague title the universe gave them before they were real. Humar will always be the pride lord
I get wanting to connect the rares to the map/minimap icons for them. And I get that it was hard to tell regular rares apart from rare elites. But it does seem a little… lacking.
Maybe they can keep the silver dragon just for rare elites? Silver rare + dragon elite, it makes sense, right?
Probably a temp update or a bug.
They used to leave that silver dragon on Hunter pets when they tamed them, but that got taken too.
I’ve been playing with elvui so long, I don’t even remember what they looked like, really.
It’s a little sad, but it aligns with what rares have became… the silver dragon made more sense when they were a type of moderately more difficult mob that had a small percentage chance of spawning in place of a generic mob, like many of those still found in EK/Kalimdor and Outland.
Modern rares for the most part are just minibosses that spawn on an interval. Not rare at all.
No, they actually posted about it.
I haven’t used the default UI since the very beginning of Wrath… so I haven’t seen them in forever… lol
For me, it’s a bad icon. You can’t really see it that well, it doesn’t stand out and I honestly don’t see the resemblance to the mini map icons, because of the graphics around it.
The addon community is creative. I’m sure they’ll find a way to put it back somehow. There’s an addon for old gun sounds, so anything is possible.
is there a screenshot
This is on point, I’m impressed and good job!!!
This… is a change I can’t agree with. There is something special about finding a mob with that frame.
I haven’t seen a silver or gold dragon in years. My nameplates and tooltips just say rare or rare elite.
It seems WoW has entered the Brutalist stage of design.