Goodbye Faction Pride

Never had any of that…

The day some alliance gives me heroism is the day I die!

Of course a person from the far larger faction would be against it.

Don’t be so toxic. I’m part of a tremendously huge RP community that RPs cross faction, as well as both factions separately. Your toxicity isn’t welcome in the RP community.


I spend pretty much all my time PVPing, I’m always fighting one faction or the other. Usually I stick to PVE as Horde and PVP as Alliance because I don’t think any of the incentives to PVP RP wise as Horde are very compelling. Alliance are fighting a threat that would absolutely wipe them out if they could, the Horde are fighting a force that will do everything in its power to preserve the ideal of peace. One of those is just a better reason to fight than the other.

I’m also an actual roleplayer, that being someone who actually walks around cities and writes collaborative fiction with other players and not what is quite frankly weekend warrior “RP” where someone on a non-RP server thinks they’re RPing by ganking the opposite faction or whatever. That’s the LFR of RP.

I still look forward to the xfaction support and hope for even more support in 10.0 with crossfaction guilds and mutually intelligible /s and /e.

I don’t want anymore war storylines. If you want war, just load up warmode. Let people who want to bridge the gap roleplay their fantasy too.

The coolest thing about WC3 was seeing the former enemies of the Humans and the Orcs teaming up against an even greater evil of interdimensional demons. It was seeing Shamans casting Bloodlust on Knights and Priests casting inner fire on Grunts. It was the true spirit of collaboration. Every xpac ends with us banding together in some way or another to defeat a more dangerous enemy. Nobody paid attention to MOP. It’s not about fighting, it’s not about defining yourself by fighting. It’s defining what is worth fighting for. For home (Azeroth) for family (each other).


… Anyway as someone who rps on my other alts and also does content like keys and raid I’m super happy I get to play with alliance pals. Love y’all.

I never understood faction pride when all it takes is a few dollars to change ur faction lol.

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What bothers me for the past hours is how you talk about RPing while not having a single RP-character.

Then why do you have Alliance-characters on the Shadow-Council and Dalaran-server? Hardcore Horde-players do not have Alliance-characters. And they don’t even level them to Renown 80 either.


My big issue here is that he’s posting on a Highmountain Tauren.

Come on, man, it wasn’t that long ago I saved you all from Drogbar. You gave me a moose! We were friends!


I’ve never had faction pride… Like ever lol.

I’m horde cause the people I played with were horde back when I joined. It was that simple.

Apologies, oh our All-Seeing and All-Knowing God. We dare not doubt your omnipotence. For if there is anyone who knows what every player is doing, it is you.

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You are forgiven, my child. Go forth in darkness.

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Faction pride aint goin anywhere.

I’ll still be ride or die Horde, baby.

No offense to the Alliance, respect.



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Not sure, but it might be possible he played Alliance before Wrath letting him get that portion. Then in Wrath obviously lost his way, or worse, willingly joined the misbegotten horde which just happen to let him get the other portion.

10/10 LFR… CHECK!
Can’t do a dungeon above a 9… CHECK!
No PVP or battleground experience… CHECK!

Either you’re garbage or you don’t play the game. Either way, you’re not someone blizzard caters to. Running in circles doing RP isn’t playing the game. ERP in a chat channel in discord with someone who might cater to your needs.

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Since we can group with alliance now we can be extremely toxic to them atleast

As a Draenei I wouldn’t want to raid with Orcs the race that tried to genocide us. This cross faction raiding thing is bad and immersion breaking.


It sure is.

I have a list of archrivals that are on the horde. I’ve had this list going for, years.

I can’t imagine how awkward and weird it would be if I suddenly had to raid with them, and now we can communicate?

Yikes. Yikes, yikes.

Talk about really smashing the game against the pavement

Maybe even a xmog. Some nice little red ribbon on your arm.

Look I get it if you don’t want Orc thighs then I’ll go enlighten others instead.

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