Goodbye Faction Pride

Another one?

Lets see (scrolls through usual replies)

It is only for bnet invites
Instance only
Not part of lfg or lfr or random pvp.

Calm yet?

Healer lets tank die
“Why didn’t you heal?”
Healer has left the game.

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I mean, just to play devil’s advocate, there are multiple achievements in WoD for specifically hunting down particular races :man_shrugging:t4:


It is true, whenever someone says “filthy humans” or “dirty orcs” that is absolutely racism :man_shrugging:

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same with those that sided with baine?

three factions: ally only, horde only, bi-factional (goes both ways!!! /wink)


To be frank I doubt this will change much if the content is still poo like it is right now.


I actually lol’ed.

I thought most RP players would love the option to be able to more easily RP with Horde players - don’t many already do that using the Elixir of Tongues? And even those who RP in ‘mercenary’ or similar guilds and companies still interact to broaden their activities. And from what I’ve seen the true RP players have a very clear delineation between character and player.

You sound more like someone who’s decided to dislike other players because they don’t play the faction or race you do. You do realise that all those pixels on the screen are being played by real people, right? Its fine to hold to a faction or race identity but carrying it over onto the people who play the characters is a bit weird imo.


Are you suggesting war can only exist between the factions? Cuz we both know that would be a ridiculous insinuation


Goodbye yellow brick road

I mean RPers are a mixed bag of players and guilds with widely different goals. On Emerald Dream, the faction conflict with Horde and Alliance clashings were probably the majority of the guilds. On servers like WRA/MG, the conflict still exists. With MoP we had Garrosh loyalists essentially got to war with a crapton of Horde guilds as well as Alliance.

Though due to gameplay limitations, we didn’t really get to go all out with internal conflicts even though the story supported such situations.

OK, that still sounds very story driven though rather than what we have here. Let’s face it, even a lot of Horde players didnt care much for Garrosh. Me, I just wanted his goodies :sunglasses:

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Garrosh was like a sad puppy :pleading_face:

To be honest, xfaction grouping is further adding gameplay that supports the story as well. You have faction loyalists and that’s not likely to change, but this is also Blizzard addressing the other part of the playerbase that doesn’t really give a lick about the factions. Other players need to deal with the fact that not everyone was as wild about the factions existing and never will be.

The idea that this is what kills faction pride vs. what we were given in MoP (or even BFA to be frank) is actually laughable.


Get a grip lol

Who’s going back? I don’t see anyone going back.

Pride is something that cannot be taken away, you have it or you don’t. I understand your concern, however from a Roleplay perspective, it doesn’t matter what the game mechanics do, because you write your character and story, therefore you won’t need to change your alignment or opinion IC. If it still is an issue that much, it may be a crossing IC and OOC type of emotion.

Either way, I’m sorry you’re not happy with the change, but it really only is a change for those who choose to accept and use it. Otherwise continue to be proud, horde, write your character the same regardless. <3 :two_hearts:

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Yep, and thats why its good they are offering an opt in so you can at least choose to not group xfaction if you are making a group. If you want to join one, you then just need to make a choice; convenience and potentially a shorter wait time v not wanting to play x faction.

:rofl: :rofl:

Still waiting for a neutral option. I’d sport a green background so quickly while mounting Horde and Alliance loyalist heads on my mantle :eyes:

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