Goodbye Faction Pride

So were all the Hordies working side by side with Ally folks in the Legion class halls traitors? Were the HM Tauren who slept with that human Paladin traitors?


I would like to do more m+ with others. I don’t give a damn about faction pride or rp

Except, when you are in a free for all PvP area within the open world, you’ll probably attack a Horde before an Alliance, just saying. It takes a special type to attack their own faction.

That’s not treason, that’s just having low standards.

This has got to be one of the most ignorant hot take i have read this week congrats.

saying this would be like saying “Imagine getting upset over a book, or Imagine getting upset over a movie”. People are allowed to be upset over anything they want. People enjoy different things and if that thing is a book series or a game they are allowed to be upset with it.

Second largest hot take. Only playing horde is now Racist? What are they teaching you in america these days. America socially is so messed up with that word and what it actually means. Group conflict is far different than race conflict. Calling somebody racist when they are not is actually really disgusting and very american. When you call somebody racist when they are not or just on a whim as a insult it hurts the use of the word.

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Yeah. I mean, who would do that kind of thing?

Something something N’zoth dagger. Something something Isle of Thunder…

I’ve been quite curious of what Genuine “Faction Pride” feels like for over a decade.

People got offended over gr**skn and bg lvrckt being in the game. Calling people racist and bringing in real life moralizing into a fantasy role play game about war and genocide (literally in the name) is not even the dumbest things they’ve done.

Goes deeper than faction pride conflict is what made warcraft war craft holding hands and hugging each other seems like a new age idea for weaklings or woke hippies i loved the conflict between horde and alliance , its like the roadrunner and coyote its fun.
I can see narrative going toward no more conflict killing the war in the craft guess were gonna be world of peppa pig soon.

Exactly, if your French you can be proud to be French but still have Italian friends. Even work on a project together with then.

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Faction pride? Of what?

The Warchief Musical chairs? Blizzard making us bad guys? Funny you mention Wrath because I think that was the last time the Horde was awesome.


We need an option to go no faction lol.
I don’t care about this Red v. Blue nonsense
and the Horde is terrible but Alliance atm is no better. The story made both sides trashy so I want out lol. Really hope they fix the story in 10.0.

I actually cant believe that people upvoted that comment saying that if you like to roleplay as a horde player that you are against the alliance in a war sense that you are racist.

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Imagine limiting your options because of roleplaying.

I mean. More power to you. I feel like in a case like this, roleplayer integrity would be the reward? Is that a thing?

Imagine caring enough about someone else’s personal feelings and gratification towards a game, that you feel the need to pump yourself up by trying to insult and make fun of them on a video game forum post.

The guy doesn’t actually RP.

I don’t think I’ve seen a single RPer that doesn’t like this change.

i totally agree. it’s like how nobody can have pride in their local sports team because their state isn’t actually at war with any other states

What kind of faction pride are we talking about? Most people play their race based on their overpowered racial depending on for pve / pvp.

I’d say the reverse is true and we should have achievements for running specific mixed runs. Run a raid of all gnomes, goblins, mechagnomes and vulpera and get the ‘Shorty Squad’ achievement. Or an all Tauren, HM Tauren, Draenei and Kul Tiran raid and get the ‘Big and Tall’ achievement.

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