"Good players wont keep raiding"

They’re just desperate to believe they are essential to raids getting done :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In reality the list of people that have them ignored is bigger than the list of people they have any form of control over.

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I get that this is like a gimmick you’re doing. That you don’t sincerely feel this way.

I understand that you’re just trying to rile people up. I truly get it.

But still, it’s not a good look. Most people don’t care about parses or sweaty practices in general.


To be fair, based on the outbursts of the forums this past week, I’m not sure many people would want to play with these “GDKP carries”.

If I wanted to play a game with toxic people I’d play a Moba or FPS.


You are my spirit animal. It’s mind blowing that people pretend classic WoW is in any way difficult. Some people just aren’t good at much in life so they have to latch on to the easiest “accomplishments” they can to feel successful and powerful. It’s so weird.

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To be fair, the most toxic part of the forums at the moment are the anti-GDKP crowd who push and cheer micromanagement of how others play the game.

I haven’t seen any pro-gdkp argue to ban LC runs because so many guilds become corrupt, or SR / MS > OS runs because they benefit low geared players, they simply don’t attend those runs unless there is a reason.

Quoted for truth. If there’s any challenge in this game at all it’s through PvP. PvE is just a casual thing to do in your IRL down time. Try-harding it is just embarrassing. It’s like parsing hopscotch to see how centered your foot is and only accepting teammates that are perfectly centered on the square. It doesn’t even matter lol

No kidding? You’re saying that people who don’t bother to send in their application to some gdkp organizer that lives with their parents are the same ones that have lower parses on WCL?

Like of course they do, bro. It’s literally a requirement for doing it in most cases.

You guys keep using “good players” interchangeably with high parsers, but they aren’t equivalent. You probably can’t pull 90s if you’re a real life potato, but the bar is hilariously low for everyone else. Parsing is far more indicative of someone’s experience and interest in pulling said parses than intelligence or “skill” (whatever that means in a tab target mmo).

NOTHING in wow pve comes remotely close to the complexity of what I do IRL. Not in era, not retail, and certainly not in SoD. If I was someone committed to parsing gold, I’d parse gold. But instead, I have saber slash bound to my scroll wheel, and I press envenom when I get to five. This allows me to stream true detective and make jokes on disc while raiding, which is how I play the game. It’s also likely similar to how MOST of the middle aged dads who make up the majority of the player base play the game. We do this every lockout, and we go 7/7. I don’t even remember the last time I wiped.

Our praise of blizzard’s decision (and why we got it banned) has NOTHING to do with how “skilled” someone is at gathering buffs and pushing a 3 button rotation. It was done because we, the player base, want the economy of the game to function differently.

My best groups have always been non-gdkp.

This notion that people that do GDKPs are better has been the complete opposite of my experience. I’ve seen more lazy, unengaged play in GDKPs than not.

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I mean to get top parses you don’t need to try hard, just show up and properly do rotation with the right consumes.

It is the only somewhat competitive aspect of pve since the actual content is unbelievably easy - but performance can still vary.

This is a strange comparison it is a video game, the base assumption is that everything in the world of warcraft universe is basically trivial.

It’s not a real competition though because all you have to do is buy a bot to do your 99 parces for you. They are for sale. It’s a huge market. I can see a competition between friends, but that’s not what’s happening here. It’s just silly. Not to mention huge parses require you to abandon mechanics that actually help the fight. Like kicking, etc.

But in the end, I don’t care how someone wants to play. Play to your hearts content however you want. The problem becomes when it takes over LFG so normal players just stop looking for teams. And that’s pretty much where we are at. So we need a raid finder or a group maker of some kind.

I agree with your whole comment, but am curious what you do for a living. The way you said that makes me think it’s the same thing I do. :joy:

And no, I’m not talking about my refrigeration business.

Is your job involved in the field of aviation?

if you need to buy a bot to push a 99 in vanilla you are a sad gamer indeed. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Oh my god, the cringe.

You aren’t necessarily good if you parse well, but you can’t be good if you have grey parses.

Yes, it is incredibly sad. But it is also a huge market. My only point is that it’s not really a competition. It’s just a lineup of people who bought a 99 parse. Like who even cares lol

It’s just people that are narcissists and have to have some kind of backup for their arrogance. So they pay for it. It’s the same mentality that loves pay to win. They’re just most unpleasant people to engage with.

And yet some still act like their parses are relevant to anything other than their own interests in high parses.

What bot is doing 99 parses? I parse 99 plenty on my main and never seen a single ‘bot’ in era doing top parses.

And yes, parsing is basically competition between friends - and all other players that do that raid within some amount of time.

You can cheese to get higher points, but warcraft logs provide a lot more data than just a number, you can easily see if people are cheesing their parses.

They are still the best single indicator of performance in the raid. The fact that the whole ordeal is trivial doesn’t really impact the fact that there are indicators of performance.


My profession and planes don’t mix well. :grimacing:

if thats true its nutty to me.

you just get the buffs/consumes and press the buttons and play with people who also get the buffs/consumes and press the buttons

like none of the rotations are complex enough in vanilla you should even need a bot