Good job with WOTLK!

So if Bungie rereleased Halo 2 with no multiplayer than you consider that losing nothing?

The problem is that some people do not like the OP so they flagged his thread even though the context of it is fine.

No one else told you that so I will. I don’t agree with it.

Oh trust me Moo lol. If anyone here is familiar with that practice I am. My posts get flagged and restored daily. Even the rare nice ones. :grin:

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I’m glad you like them! I think they are fantastic.

I don’t really understand why they didn’t just use this, or at least start from there and tweak to suit any specialized needs they felt WotLK had (ie, remove the ilvl display and requirement).

I don’t thiiiiiiiink the WotLK tool is as bad as people are making it out to be, but it definitely looks inferior and from an outside perspective, it’s hard to understand why. It would be nice to have a Blizzard post where they dive into their motivations and intentions behind the design of this. I suspect a lot of people will have a lot of negative things to say, but that’s the internet for you I guess.

I know I didn’t necessarily agree with everything they said in their design pillars post, but I very much appreciated it and found it insightful.

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Yeah it’s nice.

Yet another thing Blizzard has been doing for years.

Follower system gets reworked every expansion. Talents and Inscription system are constantly being re-done. Borrowed power system gets trashed for a whole new one to take its place. How you obtain flying each expansion.

God forbid we simply continue using a system that isn’t broken. The dev team must prove themselves competent and recreate it all over again!!

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They would have had to port RDF to shadowlands client because the game is on that client now. Instead they used a stripped down version of the retail tool and are slowing adding features to it.

They didn’t recreate anything. Implementing RDF would have been harder in shadowlands client probably.

After all of the complaining about a dead issue, I.e. RDF, it is refreshing to see a positive post. Good on you OP!

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It couldn’t be because Frost is a known super troll?

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Thats a pretty wild false equivalency.

The petition that was signed and given to blizz asking for NO CHANGES. Thats the proof. Signed by more players than are still playing.

Any other stupid questioms.

oh look its the daily troll


Clearly they have made changes and they are all good changes.

My favorite one is how deterrence no longer works against spells. Keep that one in.

Yeah lets keep that one.

Can you prove anti-rdf players are the majority then?

I don’t need to since RDF isn’t in the game.

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We will see if more people stop paying subs. A few of us have like a month or 2 left of game time and they will throw out a 6-month sub plan with a Tabard of Frost this time.