Good job on being toxic to people with the transmog!

Except no one was upset, horrified, depressed, crying, angry, nothing. It was simply a very calm decision: “this game is negative right now, I shall swap to something that isn’t!” It’s really that simple and drama free.

People choose to have positivity in their recreational activities. They function quite happily because of it. :wink:

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I feel like you’re trying to win out on some kind of technical level.

Technically, yes. You can kick someone from a group for any reason you want, and on a factual / technical level, it’s not wrong.

But there are moral aspects to decisions as well, and kicking someone from anything because of something so silly as you don’t like the mog they’re wearing, or how they spent their money they earned at their job is beyond ridiculous.

And there’s no real arguing that.


Yeah, it’s a reason why I try not to entertain discussion with this particular night elf. The second they can’t lean on facts they cry about feeling insulted and dedicate entire responses to crying about how you phrased something rather than what you said in that phrasing.

Should see Wyrmrest Accord’s goblin RPers. Finding one RPing as a Trade Prince/Princess who isn’t actually horribly poor in game is like a miracle. I think it was really telling in a guild I was in. Someone was asking for donations to buy their warlock t3 robe on BMAH. The “Trade Princess” of the guild gave them 20k and said that should cover it. I traded that person 900k and didn’t even hesitate. It blew their mind seeing that much gold and the fact I insta hit the trade button when I could. They later got the robe for I think like 650k and I told them to just pocket the other 250k because it’s such a minimal amount. That was like 3 m+ carries, it’s nothing. People bought +15 carries from me and my friends in 8.3 launch and one dude bought a 15 clear for like 5 dungeons at like 450k a run. 2 million is not a lot of gold at all.

I got a few things I would like to express.

  1. The internet is a cruel place overran by barbaric and awful beings known as humans.

  2. Those who did the insulting are strangers, thus the value of their lives and opinions should mean nothing to your friend. Having such a fragile mental state is dangerous when dealing with other creatures known as humans.

  3. This only goes to show Blizzard is heavily slacking on enforcing and keeping their community safe from those who not only wish to harm people but their own company as every person lost to these scum loses blizzard money.

Where do morals fit in with regard to a digital item on a digital character? Do these same morals align when kicking someone because they are consistently wiping your group?

Apparently there is.

Morality is up to the individual, you can’t expect people to abide by your sense of morality and expecting people to is foolish.

In a court you won’t argue your morality, you will argue that within the legal framework you were legally justified to do what you did. There’s a reason for that, it’s because morality is a horribly nebulous topic with a lot of diverse opinions, trying to act around that is a recipe for disaster.

They don’t fit in regards to that, but they fit in regards to a reason for kicking someone and that reason being founded on something realistic. If someone continues to wipe a group over and over because they’re not getting mechanics, or they’re purposefully underperforming - or they simply cannot pull the numbers which are required, then that’s different and there’s nothing morally incorrect about removing them.

“Hey! That nerd bought something, or got something for free by having a 6 month recurring sub! Quick! Boot his rear for heresy! Screw how long he’s been waiting in queue, or been looking for a group for the specific key he needs, HE HAS FAIRY WINGS! WHAT A NERRRRRRD!” <-- This is ridiculous and dumb.


How is it not morally incorrect? The person in question is playing the game, they just aren’t good at it. How do you morally justify removing someone out of the sheer fact they aren’t good at a video game?

This is also hyperbolic and not within the realm of my original argument.

Because you cannot continue to carry someone, or bring someone who cannot perform and do their job when you are aiming to get something done.

If you are doing a 15, and you bring someone who clearly should not be in that content, and cannot do the numbers or perform, and there is no way you will get this piece of content done, you should absolutely remove him in a proper and polite manner, find someone else, take the hit and downgrade the key to a 14, go back in and try again with a better group. That is perfectly logical and morally correct.

If you are attempting to down something like a heroic kill on a final boss, and you cannot get it down because 2 or 3 out of the 10-15 people you have in the raid are not pulling the numbers needed, then you should absolutely remove / bench them because you must keep in mind the well being of the raid as a whole, there is nothing morally incorrect there either.

No it’s not because you’re sitting here scrambling trying to make some kind of dumb technical point. This is your dumb technical point. That someone can think like the example I provided, kick someone for any reason they deem fit, and have it not be morally scum baggy.

Guess what, bubbuh. It is scum baggy. And that’s okay so long as the person knows they’re a rude schmuck.

No one had a mental fragile state. I shall reiterate for the umpteenth time:

ah my apologies i must of missed it or misread it. I respect their decision. Such toxicity should not be approved of. Hope your friend finds fun in a better game.

None of this is within the realm of “morals” lol.

Once again, how do you MORALLY justify kicking someone from a group when they, as a person, just aren’t very good at playing the game. Also, how would you differentiate those same morals from kicking someone with a mog you do not like?

Dumb technical point? I’m arguing within the boundaries of the game’s inherent design. If you would like something altered, offer up a suggestion to Blizzard.

What’s more, you are starting to get rather personal in your responses so my suggestion would be to simmer down because it’s starting to make you look like a fool.

I’ve been wearing it to purposely try and annoy people and I’ve received 0 messages. I’m calling you out on just straight up lying for victim points. I can’t even purposely get abuse. This is like one of those righteous “and then everybody clapped” type of posts. Pathetic.

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I don’t want something altered. I personally do not care. But being intentionally obtuse when the point of the other person was quite obvious (and confirmed by that same poster later on) is silly. Lets be real.

Calling you “bubbuh” isn’t “getting personal”. I call people pookie all the time too, among other things.

There is a difference between kicking someone for a legitimate reason such as a lack of performance, and a silly reason such as disapproving of how they spend their money. That’s the bottom line there.

Blizzard is not one of them huh? Overwatch loot boxes, heroes of the storm lootboxes, starcraft warchest packs. You seem to be real good at turning a blind eye to all of these things to shill for a COMPANY that doesn’t care about you. Just your money.


It’s kind of buried. I never did go back and write my OP because I keep forgetting. So that’s actually on me. I’m sorry. :blush:

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While I agree with you, this is flawed. Morals are mutable. Depending on the society, morals change.

Ancient Romans saw nothing immoral or ammoral about men taking boy children into their beds. Their society didn’t see it has a moral issue. If our society decides that it’s right to kill five adults to save one child, then it’s Right. We look at people through 20/20 hindsight, current modern times all the way to ancient times. We know today that taking children to bed in such a fashion has life altering consequences (but then again there is debates about this-Those ancient Roman boys were pushed were into adult sooner than we do with kids today;ancient times were brutal [without societies moralities/immoralities] a single cavity could kill, a scratch could kill, your siblings died more than they lived. Kids weren’t sheltered then as they are today, so maybe that brutality of existence matured them faster [mentality] and thus the life changing trauma of today just wasn’t seen there. Though I disagree)-But as you see, and as I said, basing your stance upon a “moral” isn’t going to work with these people. Morals are debatable, maybe not during the time that those Morals exist, but certainly after they’ve “died”…and that! Is a fundamental reality; if something is debatable tomorrow, it should probably be debated today.

Edit-Just so I’m clear, I agree with you. I think it’s ludicrous for someone to be targeted and harrassed for how they choose to spend their money. And I’ve yet to see a good reason for why it’s okay for anyone to target anyone else for spending their own money on an intangible object.

Obtuse in what way? All I said was that there is nothing incorrect in removing someone based on a mog, which has always been the case by the way. What is different now? Will you also vehemently stand up for the person that was kicked from a group when the reasoning in the window was pure gibberish? Where are your “morals” on that one?

Kind of is personal, actually.

So who determines that legitimate reason? Last time I looked, kicking someone for not liking their mog was a legitimate reason because it falls in line with just about everything else that you can kick someone for, including kicking a newer person because they aren’t good at the game.

I’ve said numerous times this isn’t going to get the same reaction on every server… and I’m not going to call out my friend just because you haven’t experienced it.

I have never experienced anyone being harassed for liking a member of the same sex. But it absolutely exists.

Your logic is flawed.

it seems like the thread where people were asked “if there are so many multiboxers destroying your game enjoyment, post screenshots”.

i think it was something like 6 hours before a screenshot appeared, and it was a 2 or 3 boxer afk in town :stuck_out_tongue:

if people were copping abuse over their mog, they’d be outraged enough to ss it and show the forum.

this is literally a “pics or it didn’t happen” situation.
…and i see no pics from anyone.

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