Good job on being toxic to people with the transmog!

Please make sure to report those who are harassing or breaking anything against Blizzards rules.


The mog is auto added to accounts with an existing 6/mo sub, as I’m sure you realize.

Aka, the mog was free. The sub fee has always been a thing.

They added it optionally to the shop in case you actually like the thing, and pay for your wow junk with tokens. Which means you can also buy the mog with tokens, which again, I’m sure you realize.

All because blizzard had the audacity to give you a free mog for being loyal. Lol

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Already had my 6 month sub = free

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The salt is strong in this one.

Yeah, you get it for free if you had a sub.

Yeah and I already made a thread about this and I went through the same thing with RuneScape where the ingame shop started with a “loyalty” program and soon enough, hairstyles, beards and other customizations were locked behind these loyalty things aswell.

Been there, done that. You people are very naive.

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If you think they’ll add hairstyles and skin colors in the cash shop I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s honestly just such a flippin’ ugly mog, yeesh. Yadayada beauty is subjective yada yada. I do like that they’ve made a shirt with that cool overhand past the waist. Wish they did that with more plate.

Oh they will. 100%, they’re testing waters with these kind of things and look towards the outrage towards it. Which is why I’m so hell bent to spread the word.
WoW is slowly stepping towards that way, believe it or not.

I can already see a race getting featured through a shop, ingame customizations, etc. Transmog is just the first step towards that area.

You’ll see mate. You’ll see.

Microtransactions shouldn’t be okay UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Because this all just gives greedy companies the greenlight to shove things more under the scheme of this trash.

Shop has been around for 7 years, how long is soon enough?

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define “acceptable”

i find a lot of things offensive and insulting, but i just ignore them and go about my day. you let the toxic jerks win when you give them any reaction at all, so i just /ignore and move along. for myself, being mean to people who spend money on cosmetic game items is just dumb. there are FAR more insult-worthy things people do in this game than to bother them about having the spare cash to spend on this stuff.

that being said, the transmog is the stupidest looking appearance set i’ve ever seen in all my years of playing, and i simply cannot grasp why anyone would actually want it. i got it with my six month sub i already had, but i’d give it away in a heartbeat if i could.

Free mog

sLiPpErY sLoPe

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Shop has been around since WotLK.
Cataclysm had 2 store mounts
So did MoP
So did WoD
So did Legion

Battle for Azeroth had 7 store mounts on the other hand.
We’re stepping in this direction with rapid movement.

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Even worse

Very rapid indeed lol

I must admit I lol’d at an orc wearing one but thing is, I’d laugh at an orc wearing any silly outfit because, y’know, orc.

But being toxic is sadly something few people need excuses to be.

Don’t you find it insane that we actually got the same amount of store mounts within BfA, than the timespan of Cataclysm till Legion?

Hmmmmm yet they also add 30+ mounts in game during BFA.

OH well. Enjoy all.

Idk why people are so mad over it and bully others who have it , are they jealous or smth ? People do what they want with their money , in that case those people really need to mind their own Loacursed business

tell your friend I send her/him my support

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