It’s their game and their property. Everyone should be respectful, but if I have a gathering on my property and some people are being jerks? I tell them to leave. If I say to my other guests that it’s not my problem? Then I’m being a coward.
You mean we shouldn’t start making Blizzard a scape goat, right? Other players and it’s okay?
Here I was ironically praising the man for trying to clean up his community, and now his community is back at being the worst type of people on the internet. I honestly was starting to believe he was becoming a decent person. Egg on my face, Asmon is still the despicable low life that he’s been for years.
You guys aren’t some vigilantes out to make change for “the greater good.” You’re bullies, and bullies should never be celebrated. Stop getting your weird “superhero” kick off and maybe consider trying to make the community a better place to be by removing the toxicity you’re so willing to spit everywhere.
What a disgusting person…
yeah, the dude buying the blizzard balance doesn’t have to pay anything
Harassing whispers, following around harassing in says, kicked from groups. After a few days, they decided it wasn’t worth it. They weren’t hurt. They just have no room for such behavior in a game they’re trying to play for fun.
is that nillah nillah? the troll shaman? hey yo
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The people who got mad at Blizzard for the transmog are the same people who got mad at Blizzard for Blitzchung, M. Roux, and laying off 1000’s of employees; are the same people who burned their WoW CE copies in their fire ring on their back patio for some internet points and external validation.
These people live in Ivory Towers and will Virtue Signal and Grandstand to hell and back. In the end they won’t do anything because they don’t want to leave their towers and walk the streets with us lesser folk.
Get off your high horse.
This is how you take power and meaning from real world things like victim blaming. If you wanna dress up as a butterfly and someone on the internet doesn’t like it, and you get so bothered by this that you stop playing, I don’t think the burden here is on Blizzard to prevent this interaction. /ignore and move on with your wings.
Thank you for the kind words OP, I’ll keep up the good work.
Really hope the people being toxic and harassing were reported.
5 bucks disappeared… poof!
Dat’s me! I wanted to use my druid main to post but her name isn’t nillah so I was sad that the regulars wouldn’t recognize me. So I compromised and just made a new nillah, just like my druid.
are you implying any of these things aren’t valid reasons to be upset with blizzard?
Nillah! You’re awesome. Just so ya know. Add me on disc if you want: Dreta#0147
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In any case, I’m sure your friend is just taking a break. They paid for 6 months obviously so they will come back.
I think a lot of people should take a break occasionally.
Imagine spitting and harassing someone in a subscription game because they bought an optional piece from the store.
Youre both paying money, one is just paying more.
Imagine quitting the game over people making fun of your transmog.
Heh. Your friend would have a lovely time playing League of Legends.
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Some of us aren’t anti-shop at all. I would gladly give money to Blizzard for good mog. But this mog is the worst mog every made for World of Warcraft.
Wow, thin skin.