Wrath of the Lich King…
We only know that the Lich King has awoken on his Frozen Throne, raised Sindragosa who had been mortally wounded and hurled across Northrend into an icy tomb after Neltharion used the might of the Dragon Soul in an attempt to fully decimate the Blue dragonflight. He then started the Second Scourge invasion which spread a Zombie plague (LK pre-patch event) and alarmed both the Alliance and the Horde to head into Northrend to stop him.
During the adventure, we get glimpses of the Lich King throughout each zone, and in Dungeons, and work side by side with Arthas’ very own soldiers who were killed and raised to do his bidding. Darion Mograine, son of Alexandros and former member of the Argent Dawn, along with Thassarian, eventually broken their bonds with Arthas and giving us the Ebon Blade Death Knights who now inhabit the Alliance and Horde.
A crucial turning point in this war was the Angrathar the Wrathgate:
Bolvar Fordragon, the father to Taelia Fordragon, who we did not meet til BfA who was already in the custody of Cyrus Crestfall, a Kul Tiran harbormaster, took up the mantle after the dragon’s fire reversed the effects of the Forsaken’s fel blight courtesy of Alexstraza. This was one of the more emotional moments in Wrath. The next moment was more Horde focused as during the raid on Ice Crown, as High Overlord Varok Saurfang came face to face with the risen, undead version of his son Dranosh Saurfang who fell at the Wrathgate. In the Horde version, it is simply a touching moment as he recovers the body after we defeat him. In the Alliance Version, Varian puts himself in a grieving father’s shoes.
The Horde version:
The Alliance version:
But the most intense moment is after defeating the Lich King, Arthas finally comes out of his darkness just in time to see his father, Terenas Menethil II, who comforts his son as he is dying, and gently closes his eyes so he can finally be at peace:
Meanwhile, Tirion contemplates putting on the Helm of Damnation, but is stopped by a burnt, and tortured Bolvar Fordragon who takes up the mantle so Tirion can continue his fight in leading the Argent Crusade. He even says, “Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon died with him.” making Tirion the only person to know Bolvar was still alive.
Varian died in Legion not even knowing his commander and paladin supreme of the Northrend Alliance forces was even still alive. Terenas said, there must always be a Lich King, and Bolvar knew he no longer had a place among the living. He would not reunite with Talia for almost 11 years in gameplay time.
So, when you say something like “I don’t think WoW has ever told a good expansion story”, this would be one of the few times I vehemently disagree with someone and have to assume you did not play it when it was current. This was one of the most intense, and cinematically breath-taking moments in WoW’s 20 year history, and anyone who disagrees should probably just add me to their ignore list, because they obviously have NO love for the lore.