That’s my point. There is a difference between young and talented vs just young.
George Lucas was 33 when he directed Star Wars
Steven Spielberg was 34 when he directed Raiders of the Lost Ark
Peter Jackson was 40 when he directed Lord of the Rings
Stephen King was 39 when he wrote The Shawshank Redemption (IMDBs #1 movie of all time)
We need seasoned talent writing for and working on this game, and lately, it feels like 20-24 year olds fresh out of college cause the price is right. They got smart when they brought back Metzen… who turns 54 soon. IF they have heart, and IF they have talent, they are welcome at any age. Sadly, most of them do not.
Okay, I really don’t know what age the writers on WoW are, and I really don’t think you not enjoying the story has anything to do with what age they are, because there are plenty of younger writers today who make amazing stuff.
I don’t know why you’re so caught up on the age of the writers at all other than just because you wanna say people who are younger than you suck which just seems petty and childish.
Like I care about your opinion of me. Save the spicy words for someone who actually wants to hear them. As for this game, I am enjoying the story, and the lore. My original response was to someone who claimed WoW had never had good writing. Today’s writing isn’t exactly trash, but it is not the caliber of Wrath, or Legion when stories had more punch to them. So, I’ve said my peace and explained my stance. You have a great night.
I wouldn’t say young people as a whole are the issue, but they’ll likely work for less pay and harsher conditions simply because they’re in a tighter spot. Their careers haven’t taken off yet.
Older writers have experience, something that the young newer folks generally don’t have in spades.
I do think there are good young writers, just they’re not employed at Blizzard lol. (Other game studios like Riot or Amazon are nearby, pay better, and treat you better, etc. etc.)
I’ve heard nothing but awful stuff from inside the workplace there, wouldn’t be surprised if all the talent left by now.
What we have, is basically it lol.
I’m not expecting anything super-amazing in terms of story within the next few expansions.
If I’m proven wrong- that would be a deeply welcome surprise ahah.
Just the track record- BfA, DF, DL, isn’t great so far.
TWW was a good start, but the story fizzled out fast, and ended on a rather disappointing note.
Yeah I think this is more the case than whatever age the writers are and the year they were born making them have “heart” or whatever the hell that guy was trying to say.
Hot take: Battle for Azeroth (mostly in its early stages). I truly enjoyed its premise, zones & story (Esp. Horde), class/spec design (Balance Druid) and PvP.
I understand why people didn’t like the BfA grind. But, as someone who had time to do so, it paid off.
I’ll put Legion in second place, because I didn’t have as much free time back then, and I’d say I feel the same about that.
terrible expansion story not helped by even more terrible systems and gameplay. TWW is a reheated mess of mediocrity. while not worse than something like Shadowlands, its definitely not up to the standards of better expansions in the past.
I played all three Paladin specs back then and it did not take long to unlock all the Artifact nodes.
After that, all you got was 0.1% Stamina every few hundred or thousand AP. Like, OK, who cares?
I could, but I think the reason you think nothing like this occurs now is because you are older and the experiences you are referring to happen when people are younger.
Hence, why you seem to think there aren’t any more “great” movies.
You know who is older and experienced with bullet points under his writing CV?
Steve Danuser.
Let that sink it…
But most people aren’t as old as you are, so they probably haven’t had these experiences yet.
You expecting them to is unfair, and makes you come off like an old, self-centered jerk.
I had the opposite reaction - I loved Legion and ended up playing it heavily for the entire xpac. SL I quit as the M+ gearing was too RNG for me.
But, to the original topic, I never play this game for story. There are only 2 story moments I thought were good: “I AM MY SCARS” - that was amazing; and that quest chain for the nightfallen guy’s tragic storyline voiced by the winnie the poo actor… I actually played that out a dozen times on alts, loved it.
I’ve never felt like an expansion was ruined by systems or gameplay. But I have felt like expansions were ruined due to how obvious it seemed content was cut. Those two expansions being Warlords of Draenor and Shadowlands. And then Dragonflight ended kind of anticlimactically with Fyrakk as endboss.
Man, I swear this is he vast majority of the reason why people think “modern” stuff sucks. But like I don’t even understand how it happens? Like how do you get older and stop being able to enjoy new things?
Ppl be like “You don’t know, Jaymes, you enjoy everything”
But like what’s wrong with that? Enjoying things is fun! So much better than the alternative. Imagine being invited to a movie you know nothing about and having a 96% chance of enjoying it.
I honestly think it I enjoy more things now than when I was a little kid because back then there was a chance that if something wasn’t exactly what I wanted in the moment I’d be like “get it away from me” but now I can kind of just let things be what they are.
Also like so much hate for stuff is actually just “this isn’t how I would make it”
But at least for me, as an artist, I only care about how I would make things for the things I actually make. Like if I want to hear the song I would make, I put on my band Hot Apollo. I don’t put on another band and yell at it for not doing the things I would do.
Idk where else I’m going with this, but I feel I should probably stop. Just yesterday my boyfriend responded to my claim that I disliked essay questions in school with “What are you talking about? You treat every question like an essay question. Anyone asks you anything and you talk for 5-7 pages”
Yeah, right, all the Gen X nostalgia bait that permeates our culture is aimed at 14yos, makes sense
But fr, this game in particular is made by ppl who, sure, like it when younger ppl with more time than the average old come in, but they know that demo is largely focused elsewhere now
But I mean what does it mean for something to be aimed at old ppl? Do people hit a certain age and stop being able to appreciate anything that isnt about dwindling mortality? Because even if they do, there’s tons of stuff about that too.
And like the biggest movie stars right now are figures old people grew up with. Like Tomatha Cruise and his ilk. You think that dude’s core demo is middle achool? Nah, dude, studios pay him private islands because he fills theatres with all y’all who want to flash back to the times you had watching movies when you were in college or whatever.
And half his movies now are “this really cool guy is getting old, is he still cool? Turns out yes”. So yeah, there’s plenty of stuff for old peoples
Gen X nostalgia bait that permeates our culture is aimed at 14yos
Familiar brands from the 80s are resurrected from the dead to brainwash a new generation of kids. None of these Star Wars movies, or the Comic book movies or being made to appeal to the generations that grew up with those franchises.
There are some exceptions like the Frasier reboot.
But in general I think old people are too smart/wise to engage in pointless consumerism. So they don’t buy products (especially supplementary products like toys).
And like the biggest movie stars right now are figures old people grew up with.
Well that’s because the age of the movie star is dead. Millennials and younger don’t really watch movies. So that’s why there are no new movie stars.
Do people hit a certain age and stop being able to appreciate anything that isnt about dwindling mortality?
No, but we don’t like seeing the same trite moral quandary. And most writers/artists don’t have the talent or creativity to come up with something really unique.