Good DPS players ain't getting enough creed in M+

What is “good” DPS? because there is no such thing as a “good” or a “bad” DPS because you class and spec are affected by item levels and or nerf or buff by blizzard themselves. Skills never exist at least not in PVE but in PVP maybe skill matter but that depends if you have played your class and spec the longest and know what it can do and can’t.

This statement isn’t true! Maybe if you run heroic dungeon or m0! Yes ilvl and class balance matters to some extent, but the key"smasher" (you) are to most important part!
You have to know when to use offensive/defensive and have knowledge about the synergies between CD, proc, spells for the class you play!

But it isn’t that hard if you ain’t pushing higher content! Everyone can do keys in the 20 range! But to push higher key like MDI level ain’t for everyone (including me), it demands massive time investments that most dont have at 30yo+ when you have kids, wife and job!

Yeh well it would help if you actually posted a profile that had keys done instead of blaming others for not cross checking your characters like some detective.

apparently by doing 10% more damage or god forbid doing 4% more damage than paladin u are all 100% better in m+ and that guarantees invite. :clown_face:

Now you have all the info! Im not the best pala in the world, which i never stated either!

So when i say: i feel like paladins have a great time atm and feel kinda tanky and ain’t that hard to play i talk from my perspective! Is pala the easiest tank? no not even close! It feel more spiky than gaurdian or prot warrior!

I love my palas this season! And ye we rely on correct CD management to migate damage! And simultaneously watch out healers CDs and all the on top of that cast BOF or other support to all party members!

Lmao! I don’t understand people that think like that!
People state that ret is a dead spec while they do just fine! The trade-off between aoe and singel-target talents in m+ can feel punishing tho!

Oh you mean prot vs vengeance DH? Haha! Im slow! Yeah

I embrace this thread with Arms Wide Open.

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They’re careless, I believe.

I don’t need to be told I’m a good dps I know that. I just want tanks and healers to stop acting like my role could be done by a monkey.

Idk how many buzzes have been killed by some tank/healer(not randos but guild mates/friends) BMing literally the entire dps role. Acting like they’re some god for playing tank/heals.

It’s not hard to recognize that ur dps are putting in just as much (and usually more) effort as ur heals and ur tank. Everyone is on the same team with the same goal, I don’t get the hierarchy thing.

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I agree! All contribut to the sucess!
And thats why i want to give the dps players a little praise as a tank! Since i almost always hear that tanks and healer are most important!

It was my weekly unsung hero “shout out”!
I was just a pure love bombing post! I don’t want an fight over whom may be the most important!

Usually I just have people stand in everything, expect me to heal through it, then say nothing. Lol Maybe all the praise is being caught by my spam filter…

Haha! I hear you brother! I did main healer from vanilla to s4 SL!
I i dunno but i often hear “good healing”, “nice tanking”, but never or rarely “good dpsing”! But this is just my experience ofc! I can’t really know how other experience things!

Can’t tell if you are being serious or not.
Is this a low key Larry mentality?

I h can’t think of a single key where the most determining factor isn’t dps even as a healer and tank.

If you read my post again you will find that what the post say!

I did give the dpsers my weekly rose :rose:
Since i think that they dont get enough credit for the successful runs!

Why inslut people that play lower keys?
Me myself play +20 keys, so huh?

LOL it is just the paladin forum where everyone cries about ret and how they are at the bottom at the moment without realizing the difference between the top dps class vs them is just less than 10%.

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