Good DPS players ain't getting enough creed in M+

***Creed is a funny typo! I was meant to be acknowledge!

We often priase a good tank or healer and the DPS players often hear, blame yourself for long Q, you play DPS since you ain’t having the skill to tank or heal!

As a tank do i just want to say: thank you dpsers! :heart:
I would say that good dpsers are the foundation of the group! You make the key fun and enjoyable! You are the spinkle on the cake!

Did just ran a pug +16 BRH and i was the second highest overall damage as paladin tank! And the healer was on fourth place, yes he won over the fury warrior!
I was thinking +16, nice fast and easy currancy, i had very much wrong about that!
I did manage to carry them thru and was timing the key with 3min left on timer!

Please people if you want to run a “higher” key, for the love of god learn the basic about your class and do not expect other to carry you!


I love Creed too.

OP, please don’t edit your title, that was a funny mistake.


Haha lost in translation and autocorrect! Did fix it now!

Mario voice
How to saya: little bita strange talking herea in euro! :sweat_smile:

You should have left the title the way it was

Now you gotta tell what it said before, I’m curious.

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Good dps players aint getting enough creed in m+ :thinking:

HA, that IS funny… if only we could convince the OP to change it back. And Creed does have 1 or 2 good songs, if I remember correctly, its been a while.

Your wish is my command! Consider it done!

As a tank I need to know what my group is capable off, how well they can react to interrupts, how well they can avoid the damage, how good the healer is with spot healing, how much damage they can do, their CD usages, self-healing and defenses, basically everything one DPS focuses on, I need to know for all three DPS in M+ and everything the healer knows.

I need to know how the affixes interact with the dungeon and the players, what talents people have, what playstyle they are going with, who can do the 2 bad affixes this season, if they are even doing them, what talents I need to take to fit in with the composition the group has, when to pull big, when to lust.

I NEED to know all this because at higher keys I need to plan my pulls around all that information.

Worse when I pug, or take a guildie I am not too sure about, I need to learn all that from the first 2 pulls of the dungeon.

And if I have someone who is a god, and someone who is a donkey, I need to do my pulls to a middle ground, pulls that are just a bit over what the lowbie can do so they can be micromanaged by the healer, and ones that are not too small as to waste the talent of the good DPS.

Healers don’t need to know as much, but they do need to plan around how they are going to play based on how the DPS are and how the tank pulls, they still have a lot to think about, but DPS, what do DPS have to do?

DPS have nothing on tanks.


Well that’s their sacrifice.


And yet if you run with crappy ones, all the stuff you need to know and do and manage still results in over time. Dont forget that dps have to pay much more attention to mechanics than a tank does, as they can ve 1shot much easier, while maintaining a perfect rotation that flows between st and aoe with many cooldowns. A dps rotation is much more complex and unforgiving than any tank or healers, and can be hard to keep up with constant movement especially ranged.


At lower keys, tanking and DPS is more difficult.

At higher keys, I find it switches to dps being more difficult. The other two roles get much easier as your dps gets better.


This is my experience too!
1-16 is kinda a gamble! But 17+ i find better and 20+ i more often find good player than bad!

I ran an M20 ToT the other day with one who is under geared and another who could be better for that level. By managing my pulls I was able to get to the last boss with like 4 minutes to spare and you are right, if those 2 DPS done the last boss better it would have been timed.

But many people straight up fail to realise just how much a tank has to put in to make it that far to begin with.


I am doing a lot of LFR now that the last wing is open, getting to 424+ on all my alts and running the last wing, been a bit since I have played my alts and forgot how easy some of them are. UH DK has a 4 button rotation outside of CDs, same as BM, fury and outlaw. My DH has a more complex rotation now, something I never thought would happen.

My paladin, while ret is super easy on the rotation, prot is not, I need to manage my CD’s, I have 6 defensive CD’s (actually 5 because BoP or spellwarding are not to be used on the tank), a trinket and my divine toll that is both an offensive and defensive CD.

I need to manage my pulls not just around the DPS and healer, but also when my CD’s are ready, when my divine steed is ready, when my freedom is ready. I need to manage my Captain America shield and divine toll, you think it’s just about doing an ABC rotation of your spells as a tank or healer, far from it.

That is one take and you are Ofc entitled to have that opinon!

But i still think that DPSers should get more credit than they get! As a tank i know what they are capeble of after one pack!
If they pop off and do good dps and kick, cc, then i can relax the rest of the run!

Therefore good dps = what makes it fun! If we aint dying/struggle, than we have time to joke and just enjoy the company of each others!

I know we are cool aren’t we? :sunglasses:
And the toolkit is what makes us great! We are like a swiss armyknife! I find paladin easier to tank with due to multiple spells that cheese/trivialise stuff in m+!

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:musical_note: When you are with me, I’m freeeeeeeeee :musical_note:


I thank good DPS all the time. Though I come to find they’re usually buttcheeks up in the cloud when it comes to their skill level. They know they’re good and all you’re doing is stroking their ego.

Tanks and healers have to be good else the run is a guaranteed wipe on many fronts. DPS can be great, amazing even, but man that ego is just nuts.

I like to stroke the dpsers tho! That my favourite part of the day!

Sounds to me like you are only running low keys with this kind of a comment.

I can single handily drag a group of lower iLVL players through an M16-18 without ever really thinking too much about anything, get into the M22+ range and now all of a sudden you need a PHD to manage the dungeon.

You should try it some day, you will see the difference and realise there is no time to joke around and have a laugh, one mistake at that key level and it’s done.

Depends on what key you consider low! I haven’t done higher than 22 yet in this season! And it is my first seasons as prot paladin! So i run 20-22 keys in pug!

I aint saying that we arent good either! We tanks and healers are ofc really good to otherwise the group dies in seconds!

But i just want to praise good dpsers too! They make my wow life so much more enjoyable!

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