Good DPS players ain't getting enough creed in M+

Post on your paladin and I might believe you.

[https:/ / characters/eu/silvermoon/Boogiee?season=season-df-3]

See the spaces and “clamps” in link! I dont have t3 to post links!

I aint the best and never said either :slight_smile:

Let’s be friends mister tank


But can they take you higher in M+?


Yes sir i can boogie! Boogie woogie :musical_note:


You can use preformatted text to post links without the requisite trust level

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I did not know that! Been playing this game since 05 and still learing stuff :sweat_smile:

Good M+ players are going to think about everything you listed, regardless of their role.


Do you mean foundation?

Yes yes ofc! Foundation i mean

It isnt that easy to switch between 3 language! :melting_face:

I don’t even expect the dps players to know which wing of dawn we’re in.

Ok but like.

Is it the one with chromie at the end. or the one with the dragon fight at the end.

I never get the self inflating “my role is the only one that takes skill” or “my role is the hardest” mindset. I don’t care what role people are playing if they are good at it. Playing in a group with 5 similarly good players is so much more fun then being an island of excellence in an ocean of ocean of incompetency. Why worship tanks and healers for existing when you can just respect good play.

I like seeing pulls happen where that thing the mobs do doesn’t happen because people play good. Generally speaking that sort of thing only happens when multiple people are aware of whats going, on whats going to happen, and what they need to do to make it not happen.

I don’t need to be praised for doing my job lol.

For me it was playing healer and watching dps not only neglect to stop 90% of important casts but also hold onto defensives for five minutes at a time and only pressing damage reductions at 5% health after standing in silly.

I dunno I play all three roles and I see plenty of cases of the tank and healer equivalents. Unga bunga tank gonna pull 3 packs complain about agro and occassionally die in three seconds because the only way to prove yourself as a tank is apparently to mimic mdi pulls without caring about why mdi pulls are effective. I’ve seen healers go oom healing groups that just aren’t taking damage and generally just not using their utility kit to prevent damage from happening. I’ve played all three roles and have seen keys where “I am the only good player” I’ve offtanked keys in dps spec, I’ve Tanked bosses in heal spec, I’ve prot pally healed keys before.

I just can’t see a good reason to have distain for specific roles when some of the biggest faux paus(interrupt failures, cataclysmic mechanic failure, and backpulls) in m+ are not role specific.

Sorta unrelated, but have you seen that rio clip guide where the dude has the absolutely unhinged pronunciation of Iridikron?


A lot more then dps Numbers that make a DPS a good DPS.

Translation: Nerf Prot Paladin DPS.

Got it.

Oh no what have i done! I shouldn’t have said anything!

No no seriously the fury warrior had 55k dps so it wasn’t that hard to beat them!