Good Covenant for M+ and Raiding as Affliction Warlock?

Curious and also maybe some side pvp (warmode) ?

As it stands…sadly…BMG (blue man group).

Kyrian one you mean ?

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Yep its bound to change though.

Mostly this. Keep in mind we got a whole expansion in front of us and tubing continues throughout.

No matter what we pick today, tomorrow it’ll be the morons choice and flipping around is being heavily curtailed.

So just pick the one you think is cool. At some point it’ll probably be best pick for either raid or m+.


Well the blue boy got the Vers trait deleted, but it will be weeks into the expansion when you are renown 29-30 anyway so the covenant power will probably change 5 more times before then along with the soulbinds.

Kyrian’s power is just too good to pass imo. It’s an extra dot. It lets you try again if it fails. If it succeeds you get 5 shards. There’s an unlock to make it instant cast.

Big red ball of doom? Also doubles as a giant “SHOOT ME” sign.
Mass drain? Interesting novelty for pvp but for meme/streams at best.
Rattle me bones? Looks cool but Shadowbolts still suck hard.

Blue man group just can’t be beat until the fun police show up and tell people to go try the underused covenants because BMG is about to eat some nerfs.

So kyrain nerf so where do we turn to next Necrolord or vampries ???

From what I’ve seen, Kyrian best for raid, Venthyr best for m+ on Aff

My understanding is that the nerf doesn’t affect us much (if at all).

It literally takes 10weeks to be affected by the recent Pelagos nerf…so I am sure things will be changing even more so before then…

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Really so as VE Afflic Warlock should aim who want to gear M+ dungeons till raid would be Venthyr ?

As it stands right this second at the current levels of power/nerfs/etc, for affliction the best for raid and m+ stands at Kyrian (unless something changed in the past day). I like Venthyr a lot so I am still tempted to go with them despite not being the “best” because I like their theme overall more but the 100% uptime dot on Kyrain and the shard gen is just so good.

Venthyr’s ability counts as a extra dot which is nice but that doesn’t seem to beat a 100% uptime dot that gives us 5 shards which we then turn into 5 raptures. The verdict is still out on how good weakness is, my guess is having it out on a aoe pack is gonna be pretty good, not counting the casting curse added in so that might make it even better but we need more data. It might be sleeper op for all we know.

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Soul Rot from Night Fae was 2nd choice to aim for since nice for Affliction

The nerf to Pelagos is huge. It leaves really only the mastery buff from Combat Meditation which is limited by movement, to extend the buff you need to move into spawned orbs and they can be inconvenient. Kyrian’s Scouring Tithe isn’t 100% uptime outside boss fights. In M+ it will just end up being a 40 second CD that you will most likely delay between packs to line up with other CDs anyways. It’s also one of the weakest as far as actual damage. Its much stronger for Destro and a lesser extent Demo. Really its just the one that works best with all specs so if you see yourself swapping specs its the one to pick.

Venthyr’s IC is the strongest for M+ period. The smart cursing and another uncapped dot that can be extended with Dark Glare is huge. It’s 1 minute CD also makes it line up well with CDs in M+. It is one of the weakest for raiding in single target fights but in add spawn fights its strong and only 4 fights are Patchwork in the first raid. As for its soul binds Soothing Shade and Thrill Seeker are solid DPS boost that are overlooked. Soothing Shade has the loss from movement as well when you are forced to move out of it, but its a large area.

Night Fae’s Soul Rot is actually strongest for raw damage but its buff to DL is useless in M+ and raiding. Their strength is their Soulshape (blink) and the soulbinds. The Wild Hunt Tactics is probably the king of raiding right now and to a lesser extent M+. Grove Invigoration and the also nerfed Niya’s Tools: Poison have some strength in M+.

Necolord’s DB is the only ability that isn’t a dot and it was nerfed so badly its pretty much dead at the moment. Their soulbinds are mostly irrelevant or nerfed to death as well.

Basically, if you are only going for M+ as aff Venthyr is king. For raiding only Night Fae is probably the best choice now. For both M+ and raiding its a toss up between the two. If you are going to play all the specs Kyrian is the best but its below the other two if you will only play aff. Necrolords is just dead period.

After sims, that’s wrong.

Mastery outweighs any other stat provided by any other conduits.

It’s a higher ceiling and more skill rather than night fae.

Kyrian>all others.

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Not at all if I had to rank them it would be Kyrian>Night Fae>Venthyr>Necrolord. Kryian just beats out every other covenant. The nerf didn’t really nerf what makes the soulbind strong for aff/warlock in general) which is the mastery conduit which is just super strong for aff. But I think the nerf was trying to stop almost 50% of specs for having them as the BIS covenant and wasn’t targeted at warlocks specificlly.

Tithe is also easier to line up with aff damage windows compared to soul rot and Venthyrs ability. Its a dot so our rapture damage is increased on the target, plus it can give us 5 shards which is 5 more shards for seed spam on extremely heavy aoe pulls or 5 more raptures in every other scenario. It just meshes well and has is very easy to use and is extended with Darkglare.

Soul Rot does more damage and IS extended by darkglare just like tithe but its still only single target and the drain life part of the ability is on the more useless side of things. It does radiate out damage but those other targets does get increased rapture damage to them. This is the second best covenant and dreamweaver is a good soulbind but not better than Pelagos even after the nerf at this point.

Venthyrs ability doesn’t do good damage, the curse part of it might be good but we have no idea as of yet, it does get extended by Darkglare but the damage isn’t great to begin with so thats eh but its aoe and we get increased rapture damage to more targets but the soulbinds we get… are just not great compared to the other two.

As it stands, kyrian is the BIS and is great for Aff and destro and it works for demo still.

Now… I suspect Kryian will be nerfed at some point and necro and venthyr buffed. I am still on the fence about rather to go kyrian or venthyr, I suspect venthyr is stronger than we think on the curse part of it, I look at a mass AOE weakness (or tongues) as kinda like earthen wall totem in a sense. I like their weekly “game” more than kyrian and the overall theme (though the dark kyrian wings/mogs fit to).

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Soothing Shade from Venthyr is a significantly higher mastery boost without the need to constantly collect orbs interrupting your rotation with movement.

Edit: The sims using the current work in progress APL have Venthyr ahead of Kyrian in 2+ target fights for raids.

Like I replied to the other person, Soothing Tide from Venthyr is a bigger mastery buff with a decent PPM. It also doesn’t require running around collecting orbs. The 4% verse was huge for every class including locks.

Tithe isn’t that great because all its advantage is single target only. Most bosses in first raid are not single target and m+ are aoe scenarios and Tithe is weaker there. In m+ its not an extra 5 raptures, you have to basically decide if you are going to go for the extra shards just use with CDs for the mastery buff. Additionally, aff doesn’t have an issue with shard generation so its the least beneficial spec when it comes to the abilities. Especially later with haste values higher the bonus to shards gets even less impactful. The reason Xyronic has it so high is mostly because he will swap specs and Kyrian is miles ahead for Destro. Also, Xyronic is just a raider he barely touches m+ compared to others.

Soul Rot is a target capped AOE, Tithe is the only single target covenant ability. Dreamweaver is also the weakest of the 3 options in Night Fae, its only recommended at starting because the early potency conduit. The other two options are significantly better and recommended to switch too after you’ve grinded enough to get their second potency conduits. Soul Rot is forgetable for all three of the specs the reason Night Fae is high is the two soulbinds I mentioned and the blink.

IC is uncapped AOE that is extended with glare, the dot damage is irrelevant even Tithes damage is a joke. It’s all about the extra dot when rapturing. And no other covenant touches Venthyr in AOE, thats why Kalamazi even will say if you are focusing m+ pick Venthyr. Combine that with how often raid bosses are not single target fights and its definitely higher than people are claiming. Repeating myself but Soothing Shade is also extremely overlooked by the highend content creators at the moment. I haven’t seen one even look at it despite it being raw the best mastery buff from a convenant and the haste from Thrill Seeker is not something to sneeze at, its contributes a ton to shard generation which means more raptures.

Right now everyone from Xyronic/Kalamazi to you and I are mostly speculating and using extremely small data sets to make our calculations. Ultimately, once the APL is finalized for aff and sims can come out no one can say for certain which abilities are truly better. As I said before though if you are only going for M+ as aff Venthyr is king. I would be willing to concede a tie between Night Fae and Kyrian depending on what you particularly need for raiding but even then I don’t think Venthyr is so far behind you hurt yourself by choosing it for raiding. Especially, if you aren’t going to swap specs and raids continue with the BFA trend of single target fights being a minority.

Affliction M+:
Venthyr >> Kyrian > Night Fae > Necrolords

Affliction Raiding:
Night Fae >= Kyrian > Venthyr* > Necrolords

*The more AOE fights and not swapping to destro the better Venthyr gets.

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Ohhh so ven for M+ and general grinding/daily torgaust and world quests and for raiding can swap to Night fae after things get balance ?