Good Covenant for M+ and Raiding as Affliction Warlock?

You cant swap covenants back and forth unless you want to be behind in renown for the entire expansion.

I see so we force to stick you one guess im going Venthyr

Sadly IC does so little damage it might not even be worth pressing in single target which is a blow to its use in m+ for tyrannical where you’ll want more single target damage. The dot damage isn’t great in aoe but it does do some damage. Tithe would still maybe beat it in damage because of the extra shards it gens giving you more raptures PLUS I want to correct myself, soul rot is a AOE also, the 10% bonus damage is just applied to the main target. It does more damage in a normal pull than IC, if we get into the point of doing heavy aoe than maybe IC would be better? But that means it fits a niche which limits its usage even more.

IC is a dot that counts for rapture damage which aff is centered around but so are soul rot and tithe. The curse portion I think is undervalued by a lot of people though.

Theotar does give you a mastery buff but you have to stand in one spot and not move from it to gain the effect. Pelago’s buff is on tithe activation and the orbs just extend it with the base effect being 10 seconds already (unless I am reading it wrong) but that’s enough time to drop your opening raptures. Meaning your getting its effect without having to worry about staying still, drop tithe last in your opener or right before singularity and your rapture window is getting that juicy mastery without any work on your part.

You will have a easier time grabbing orbs on the ground that spawn like 1 foot from you than you will trying to stay in one place during raid/m+. Nadjia’s Thrill Seeker is really where its at for soulbinds on venthyr.

Theotar does have a nice verse buff at the end of his line but you’ll be giving up a potency slot so really that mastery is all he brings. Nadjia doesn’t bring much more (Which is venthyr thing overall) but she at least brings disorient on usage of door of shadows and interrupt, snare, and root duration reduction but most of all her thrill seeker is a juicy 20% haste drop.

Also Kalamazi said that IC more suits M+ I don’t remember him saying to pick it if you focus only on m+.

If we are talking about a normal pull or normal amount of aoe then it doesn’t matter if IC is uncapped, and we must look at the ease of use, damage, and utility. A normal pull is going to be around 6 targets give or take 1 or 2. Then soul rot wins out.
I think there is only one fight in the new raid that has what is considered “heavy” aoe which is where IC might actually be good.

Don’t get me wrong… if I had to rate the covenants based on how much I like them then it would be Venthyr>Necrolord>Kyrian>Night Fae. I also think that the difference isn’t big enough where you’ll join a group and they will ask “which covenant” and you’ll be kicked for not having Kyrian or Night Fae.

People are stupid so maybe youll find that here and there but that group was destined to fail anyway and is doing that to everyone who joins not just warlocks.

I will agree that we don’t have enough data to make a true judgement as people have just started simming. I still think overall Kyrian or Night Fae will be better in general as their abilities do better in more situations more often. I personally am thinking of just going Venthyr as I still like IC as a ability more than all the others and the theme itself maybe even necrolord.

I am waiting to see what the second and third “best” covenants are for all specs before making my choice.

Since tuning is done for now looks like it’s Kyrian (Pelgos) > Venthyr (Theotar) /Night Fae (Dreamweaver) > Necrolord for first week (or 2)

It’s a very big spot and you can move around in it. If you remember the eyeball circles from corruption it is about as big as the 50 corruption version of those.

You’re over thinking how many targets it takes for Venthyr to over take Kyrian, before the Pelagos nerfs in a two target cleave fight Venthyr beat Kyrian in the sims that were released back in October. Of course the APL and simulationcraft itself are all still works in progress so grain of salt. But if its a small enough advantage that with more than one target Venthyr pulls ahead I think the nerf plus overlooked soulbinds makes up a lot of ground.

Kinda annoys me…But Kyrian…
Both my main Aff Lock, and my alt Boomkin are stuck in Blue Man Group…

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Tbh kinda am tempted to go Night Fae Dreamweaver due to 2 potency unlocks

I believe (and I believe Kalamazi mentions this) and several others I have talked to believe the early potency unlock will be changed at some point. The way I see it… even if it isn’t you’ll still end up with 2 potency unlocks no matter where you end up and what will be most important for 98% of the population who isn’t going for world first will be enjoying the covenant.

If you aren’t going for world first what does it matter that you get a second potency earlier than everyone else? That early potential power spike does nothing meaningful for you. It is a nice perk if you already enjoy Night Fae but a early potency vs enjoying the game is a easy choice for me to make.

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Yep and also if one gets nerf then we able to fall back to another without suffering renowns (soulbind swap)