Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Not to me, I am a gangster and do as I please!

So i can respect that tbh

However, why would he go through the effort to get people logged on at the same time to challenge you for no satisfaction or reward worth the effort because you’re not who he has a problem with lol

Because on the streets of Orgrimmar we don’t PvP for rewards or glory, we do it cause it is a lifestyle!

Just having fun, LOL! I think sometimes people take this game way too serious. But I will leave you with this:


I hope one day we get a dueling area in the new city hub for both alliance and horde with wm on :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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That would be sweet!

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Even the fight rings in darkmoon fair were so cool !

That would allow a ton of non queued wargames as well, just pickup people and have team fights

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Dear Charming: 15 :smiley:

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Why are you whining so much about what others do?

I’ve noticed more and more premades happening lately in all of the games that I play. I’ve been queuing up more and more with others lately as well, unless I’m playing at odd hours it almost feels mandatory. It’s kind of a bummer, feels like true solo q’s are becoming a thing of the past. But oh well, if you can’t beat them, join them.


Somehow I’m still a higher honor level then all of them omegalul. Said it from the start it doesn’t really matter that much to me cause at the end I will still be better than them in every measurable category both irl and out.

and i still run into plenty of games that are non premade

Yet you still die more than anybody :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe because your group of 3 or 4 always trys to seek me out like a homing missile that could be why and 15 is not a lot of kills for you having been doing that for like 3 and a half months

Vitamin D is your friend.:wink:

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faster queues and enlistment bonuses mean alliance has roughly a 2-1 ratio on horde for honor level. half your honor level or double the horde’s when comparing A to H.

5-15 minutes of sun is what you need the sun is actually awful for your skin just look at old people for an example.

the enlistment bonus for epics was removed a while ago

but not before a ton of alliance players got H500+, then there was the battle net account trick and multiboxing.

people are so concerned with hitting a high honor level for clout they forgot the point is the journey, not the destination. when you take the short path you find your self standing short in tall company.

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Pretty sure he meant you need to go outside more/do stuff outside of video games, he was basically saying “you have too much free time on your hands” :wink:

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I mean have you seen outside crime everywhere about to enter nuclear war sky high inflation seems pretty dumpster tier to me


High honor level, yet you’re still a bad fighter.

You talk quite a lot for someone who can’t do much. You are exactly the type of person you are claiming needs a premade, yet you do not have a premade due to the fact that nobody likes you.