Gonna start leaving premade bgs

anyone in a premade group can feel free to catch me anytime they want

cause every single person from a premade that has found me 1v1 has gotten destroyed

or due to the fact that i find what premade groups do disgusting and i dont really want to be in 1 nor do i seek them out to join them

If I did that, some people might accuse me of “bullying.”

If a child challenges you to a fight, you’re not supposed to actually accept, ya know.

lol rightttt i’ve seen you backpeddling and clicking abilities on stream.

especially in the wrath streams it wasnt uncommon for you to go the entire bg without a single kill to your name but like upwards of 5 deaths in a 10 minute long bg

And yet I can still destroy you easily.

So think about it.

If I am allegedly playing “sub-optimally” by clicking stuff and backpedaling, and yet I can still destroy you, who apparently is not playing “sub-optimally,” then what does that say about you? More importantly, what does that say about me :wink:?

Hey, I never claimed to be a DK expert lol.
But yes, it’s true I wasn’t doing too well when I was 70-72, but I’m doing much better now that I actually leveled and geared up.

big claims from a person who has never ever fought me

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I don’t have to.
Everybody knows you’d lose, so I got nothing to prove.

Sounds like the same cop out excuse that a lot of people use

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Even YOU know you can’t beat me.
That’s why you’ve never challenged me lol

This is entirely due to game changes that made farming bgs mandatory for geared players to get currency to upgrade their gear.

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The fact that they are still far and wide 2 weeks from season end proves you wrong why would you care about gear when the season ends in 2 weeks.

Anyone who was even remotely serious about it got their gear months ago



As Charming pointed out. Sounds like a cop out and your backing down.

No, I legitimately don’t have to since there’s no question that I’d win.

Take yourself for instance. You’re literally level 30. If you dueled me, you’d die in one hit. So why even bother with the trouble?

We already dueled yesterday and I won he even tried to port me behind the barells in gold shire and still lost.

And you cant say that it was on accident cause you dont put your portal in that very specific location and then within a second knew where i was and was ready to attack me it was clear you knew exactly what you were trying to do


Just with Charmings comment above; I’m believing him over you :smiley: you sound pretty deluded tho not going to lie lol

Sounds like he got you :wink:

Charming strikes me as the kind of guy to take screenshots and make a thread about it.


Well you need evidence to back up your claims right ? Otherwise its just word vs word

i dont know man, i have nothing personal against u. but u do complain a lot on these forums. plus u speaking on 1v1 anyone from a premade? i found u in an av a couple weeks ago behind one of your towers in base and almost destroyed u with a druid healing u and attacking me. then i decided to be gutsy and come back again after u couldnt kill me the first time. and my mistake was doing that. because u and druid got me that time. but still almost got u both. so i wasnt real impressed.

i run with sas, but i do more bgs solo or with a friend or 2. i do queue premades with sas occasionally late evening. some nights more than others. but i would say i solo bg more so. and u speak on all your accomplishments? only thing i see u have more than me is honor lvl. and if i sat in bgs all day long everyday i would be right there also. my honor lvl is respectable i would say with the amount of other stuff ive done on game.


Your on fury warrior with more gear than me every fury i’ve run into has given me a hard time just by running @ me and pressing abilities doing op damage cause thats all fury is.

and i have way more than just honor level on you mounts battle pets achieves transmogs all of it is higher

im an arms warrior. always play arms. and no u dont. u can easily look me up on dataforazeroth dot com Ogpapabear-stormscale.

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