Gonna start leaving premade bgs

no, they sit around, you can call out for reports, but they are still there, when they do finally get idle, its like 2 minutes before they are actually gone.

it’s 1 minute and they’re gone unless they attack someone, the afk system is fine imo, a few people afk and getting removed after only 1 minute doesn’t even really matter, and chances are the other team is having the same issue.

there are two debuffs, one after the other, each lasting 1 minute. these can be skipped if enough people report you in a short enough timeframe. i had to do some testing on this to make some weakauras.

I still think that’s reasonable, the matches are supposed to be casual after all.

depends on what definition of ‘casual’ you mean.

there’s no rating attached to epic BG’s, there’s nothing to lose by playing them, you aren’t supposed to know who you will have on your team or who you could potentially be fighting.

all of this is remains true with our premades

except you know who you are playing with because you just 3,2,1 queue at the same time and it immediately fills a queue slot

i can only guarantee i will get into a the same game with the 4 others in my party. queue syncing is best effort, its very common to get split into multiple games.

but at the same time it is possible to get in the game with all other groups of 5, and that is the problem.

and an impossible one to solve.

If you were allowed to queue a premade group for EBGs that’s larger than 5, you’d be able to queue as a raid. Going around that limit by queue syncing is, by definition, exploiting.


i’m not queueing as a raid.

Not at all, Karie actually posted some pretty good suggestions. changing the algorithm of how people are grouped is the easiest fix. But allowing raid queue’s into epic BG’s and having them only queue into other groups that are queued in a raid would be the best solution.

would be an eternal problem requiring constant maintenance, any changes would be learned and overcome within a few weeks.

high queue times would just drive groups back into syncing against solos.

also what if you only have 20 people? too many for a 5 man, not enough to queue as a raid.

A new algorithm wouldn’t need to be changed, if people still continued to exploit after that, account actions would be the next reasonable step.

Raid group only queues would allow for epic BG’s to flourish. People would be more interested in joining BG communities if there truly is interested and passion for the larger maps outside of bullying 40 random’s with 0 challenge at all. I honestly think if blizzard made the change more people would be interested in a full premade vs premade without the chance of randoms being thrown in.

If there’s an uneven amount of people queue’d then just start the game with each team missing between 1-4 players, or add in some comp stomp npc’s instead.

now you want to punish people for having fun and being social? authoritarian solutions are not viable.

the current system is fair and the queue system is what ultimately determines who gets into a game and who doesn’t.

Yes because what people are doing now and bypassing the 5 player queue is NOT fair, the fact that your response to good suggestions was just " no we want to queue into randoms and bully them " is definitive proof that account actions are needed currently for this issue.

No one is having fun being queued into a 40 man premade with a 0% chance of winning, let alone even taking any objectives in the game, epic BG premades are killing the fun and social aspect of epic BG’s.

nobody is bullying anyone.

people are like water, that is to say that they flow where they can flow. if you have a problem with water being where it shouldn’t, you contain it, you build a damn, a levy, or just fix a leak, if you went out and attacked the water with a stick yelling at it, you would be put in a straight jacket. so why then do you think you can solve people being where they are not by attacking them with a stick?

Bypassing the 5 player group limit to premade epic bg’s is bullying.